Fuzzy Logic… Fuzzy Brain

Village Idiot - ADII saw a funny topic on a web forum recently where someone said that they frequently see other ADIs driving badly. I can concur with that – I see it a lot of the time, too. Mostly, exceeding speed limits and stopping in inappropriate places (and don’t get me started on trying to do manoeuvres 10 feet away from where you’re doing one already).

Then, someone else said they’d seen an AA instructor driving badly, and in their infinite wisdom concluded that this is a good reason never to take driving lessons from the AA! Have you ever heard such nonsense, and from an ADI at that?

Oh, wait. What am I saying.? Some ADIs specialise in spouting such nonsense – I go on about it all the time!

Every ADI is self-employed (well, except perhaps for a handful lah-dee-dah types in London, catering for Hooray Henrys and Henriettas). An ADI can choose to work in their own name (referred to as “solo”) or franchised to someone else’s. They can go from franchise to solo, or solo to franchise – and in the current climate many appear to be taking the latter route.

The simple act of taking on a franchise (or of shedding one) does not alter the DNA of the ADI in question. If they’re a prat to begin with, they’ll be a prat ADI Badgewhatever name they work under.

You could easily get a bad ADI whoever you go to if you’re unlucky. I might be the local solo fossil whose reputation far exceeds his abilities, the new solo kid on the block selling lessons for a fiver, or yes – even one from BSM, the AA, Red, Bill Plant, and so on.

Since the crap solo instructor struggling for work could join any one of these franchises within hours if he so chose (and many are doing just that at the moment), the problem isn’t with the Name On The Headboard.

The problem is with the Name On The Green Badge.

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