Category - Transport

Nottingham Ranks High for Having “Deprived Areas”

I mentioned a little while ago that Nottingham has become a horrible place to live in. It’s filthy, full of road works and trams, and has 20mph speed limits liberally and randomly distributed throughout. No one cleans up litter or fly-tipping properly. Buildings are ugly (they consistently demolish any that have character in favour of hideous “modern” constructions.

Maid Marian Way has won awards for being so ugly

No one maintains the facades of city centre buildings, in spite of most having been been stupidly painted white or built with more glass than brick. Maid Marian Way – which has won awards for being hideous since the 60s – gets uglier with each new glass-fronted monstrosity they put there. They cut down trees and shrubs on roadsides simply so they don’t have to prune them. They ignore the public, preferring instead to build wind turbines, solar farms, housing estates, and recycling plants on green belt land, even after “public consultations” has shown mass opposition to their schemes. There is no warmth to any of their actions.

Well, this is now semi-official. Nottingham comes 8th in the top ten list of council areas having the most deprived neighbourhoods within their boundaries (where “deprivation” is indexed in terms of crime, health, and employment). Yes, I realise it isn’t a direct statement of what I’ve listed above, but I think we can all agree that “deprived areas” are not usually going to be given any design awards. Mind you, one thing that is becoming clear is that such areas are guaranteed to get the tram at some point – the idiots on the council seem to think they’ll turn into model communities by sending in the tram.

Another story which hammers in another nail has just appeared concerning last week’s marathon. Now, I thought I’d made adequate arrangements this year as far as my pupils were concerned. I normally steer well clear of the marathon route, anyway, even if it means taking a long detour, and that’s what I did for my first lesson on Marathon Sunday this year. I arrived about 5 minutes late in Carlton, even though I’d given myself an hour to get there (it would usually take 15 minutes by the normal route). During that lesson it became clear that the marathon route had changed. Furthermore, instead of roads being restricted (i.e. runners and traffic in a contraflow system), they had simply closed them to traffic this time around. By the end of that lesson, traffic trying to get out of the city had increased to the point where it was gridlock. I had to cancel my next lesson in Clifton, and then I got a call from my lesson after that in Top Valley informing me that traffic was at a standstill around her house. That lesson had to be cancelled, too.

What had happened is that there was no north-south route through Nottingham on the west side (i.e. via the ring road), and not access to that side through the city. As a result, everyone was having to head northwards to find a route around the blockade (I later discovered that it was the same on the west side, with people trying to go north having to detour elsewhere).

I often refer to the council as idiots. That word is simply too tame. They are complete wankers.

Quite a while ago in one of my tram articles I said that anyone who was in an ambulance (or who was waiting for one to arrive), and it was delayed because of the tram works, should consider suing the council for criminal incompetence. Well, the same goes for the fiasco during last week’s marathon. That BBC article illustrates why very clearly.

For anyone who doesn’t know, the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) is Nottingham’s main hospital. You can think of it as being a large square building, with each side bordering on to  one of Derby Road, Abbey Street, Gregory Street, and the A52. Well, it turns out that the first three of those roads were closed completely to motor vehicles, and since two of them cross the A52 (the ring road at that point) –  where everyone was trying to figure out how to bypass the closures that they knew nothing about when they set out that morning – traffic was at a standstill.  The only ways into the QMC for emergency vehicles are off the ring road or one of the closed roads. The closures were, according to the signs, in place from 7am until “approximately” 4pm.

The BBC story relates how ambulance staff had to push a patient almost a mile in a wheelchair to get her to the hospital. A three-mile journey took ”more than an hour”. Race organisers claimed:

…there was a “permanent passage” to the hospital.

Listen, you twats, you cannot say there is a passage when traffic on that passage is gridlocked.

Since the ambulance was non-emergency, the same twats repeatedly exercised the power invested in them by the higher twats on the council and told it it couldn’t pass. The female patient was still in hospital on 1 October – four days after the marathon.

East Midlands Ambulance Service said on a few occasions, during the marathon, it had to use police escorts “to help navigate through the road closures safely”.

Yes, and I bet that in the gridlock that still didn’t improve travel times significantly. But in response, the twats running the marathon stated:

At no point was it radioed in that there were concerns surrounding this patient.

If there had been, they would have made sure she was blue-lighted immediately to the QMC.

We will use the learnings from this year’s race for planning for the future.

So there you have it. The last line simply states what everyone else can see: the marathon organisers screwed up big time, even though they’re trying to blame the ambulance staff!

As a footnote, I drove along a road in the opposite direction to runners (there were some contraflows), and they consisted of a lot of fat people walking and carrying those stupid round drinking bottles that hold about half a litre of fluid (approximately 3 litres less than a real runner should drink). Although I’m sure that they will, you can’t really claim to have “completed a marathon” if it took you over 8 hours and you walked most of it.

Chilwell High Street Speed Limit

Someone found the blog on that precise search term. The arseholes on Nottingham’s City Council have made it very difficult for the average driver with their overdue tram and the resulting speed limit changes.

Within the city ward there is the council’s “blanket 20mph speed limit on urban roads”. Not all urban roads, you understand. No, the morons couldn’t justify making it 20mph on all roads. So you find yourself moving from a 20mph zone, to a 30, then back to a 20 again, all in the space of a few dozen metres. But then you have the boroughs, who haven’t adopted the same policy, and to add to the confusion some areas of those (e.g. West Bridgford, in Rushcliffe Borough) are several miles closer to the city centre than some city areas (e.g. Clifton and Wilford).

Then there is the criminally inaccurate signage. There are still city areas where the original 30mph signs haven’t been taken down, and these stand isolated between the new 20mph signs. Much of the signage is probably illegal or non-enforceable, since it is of the wrong size – the City Council totally underestimated how many signs it would have to erect, and how much that would cost, so as well as the old 30mph signs it couldn’t afford to remove, it also couldn’t afford to replace existing large 20mph signs (where an old 30mph zone changed to 20mph) to smaller ones (now that those 20mph zones are within a larger 20mph zone). This breaches the The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD) legislation.

Beeston and Chilwell are not within the city boundary, and speed limits there vary for reasons other than the incompetence and bloody-mindedness of the City’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing. To answer the question used to find the blog, the speed limit on Chilwell High Street (actually, it’s Chilwell Road at the Beeston end and High Road at the Chilwell end) is 30mph along most of it. However, outside the Clown College for a distance of a couple of hundred metres it is 20mph. There are signs, but they are about half way in size between the big ones and the smaller repeaters, and they aren’t easily visible among the tram ironwork littering the place. At the time of writing they do not appear on Google Earth or Google Maps since the imagery on there was taken while tram construction was still incomplete.*

* It’s still incomplete now, but less so than it was then.

Essex Parking Wardens

I love this story. It seems that from Monday, teachers and parents outside Essex schools will be able to act as traffic wardens with the power to issue tickets. In what must rank as one of the greatest understatements of all time, a teaching union has warned:

…it could create conflict between staff and some parents.

I’ve mentioned this story before, but when I was working on tech support we dealt with calls from all over the country – sometimes, even from outside the UK. I think I can safely say that callers from Essex were generally the most obnoxious and aggressive of the lot. In one particular case, just after we’d had a new phone system installed which didn’t work too well, I answered one particular call with my usual cheery greeting, only to be answered with a tirade of abuse about how long he’d been waiting (a ridiculous 90 minutes). I explained that I understood his frustration and apologised to him, but I explained we had a new call handling system which had a few teething troubles that were outside the control of the support agents. His response was “don’t give me that”, and he went off again in his crass Ilford accent. I just said: “OK. You can wait another 90 minutes” and hung up.Essex - county of class

There’s a pretty good chance this guy – and plenty of others like him – turning up in their Chelsea tractors and parking wherever they damn well like (which is why this is happening in Essex in the first place) will not take that kindly to having their crassness highlighted by others.

Thurrock council has a rose-tinted view of the potential problems:

We have teachers, parents and residents telling us time and again about frighteningly dangerous parking outside schools, but we don’t have the money to have an army of traffic wardens.

There are teachers and head teachers who try to marshal the traffic already and what they’ve said to us is that if they have the authority to issue a ticket, it’s another weapon in their armoury.

I think we will get volunteers because issuing a ticket will be the last resort – it’s about talking and cajoling people to change their behaviour and I would be delighted if we never issue a single ticket.

What planet is this moron from? It’s Essex, with Essex mothers (and fathers) involved. The problem is so widespread that they have teachers, parents, and residents reporting serious parking problems ”time and again”. And he hopes that “talking and cajoling” will avoid the need to issue “a single ticket”? Why doesn’t HE sort it out instead of leaving it to the teachers? It’s his bloody job to handle it.

I wonder if I could get good odds on predicting when the first physical conflict will place?

More Nottingham City Council Incompetence Planned

As I write, it is Friday 4 September. There are delays on the A60 at Ruddington – a combination of gas mains work near the petrol station and the installation of “pedestrian refuges”. Worryingly, there are also yellow signs warning that “work commences here 7 September 2015 for 3 weeks. Delays expected”. These signs are in place along the whole of the A60 from the Nottingham Knight roundabout all the way up to the Business Park south of Ruddington.A typical pedestrian refuge

The existing work has been underway for at least three weeks already, with temporary lights up for most of the day (while they install the central refuges), and all day the last couple of days due to the gas main work. Both sets of work have been planned and carried out by incompetents, and should have been completed much sooner.

Edit: no signs of any works (other than the stuff started 3 weeks ago, which is not being touched and is still unfinished as of 9th September.

There are delays at the Crown Island due to the “ring road improvements” the Council got an EU grant for two years ago, and is desperate to spend before the EU asks for it back. It is not possible to predict precisely where the delays are on any given day, since traffic is sometimes at a standstill back to Nuthall Road heading south, and at other times (like yesterday) standing still as far back as the QMC heading north.

Edit: Tuesday 8th it was down to one lane northbound. Wednesday 9th it is one lane southbound, but with no advance warning until you turn on to the roundabout and hit a wall of cones.

There are delays along Queens Drive due to one lane being closed. Although this is due to the replacement street lighting – and has been going on intermittently for several weeks – it is connected with the tram. If nothing else, the work could easily have been done concurrent with the tram work while the road was restricted. Instead, I suspect they deliberately did it this way so they could officially announce that the tram was “finished” two weeks ago (albeit almost a year late), when they knew full well that it wasn’t.

Signs on Bilborough Road, and on roads in Wollaton and Lenton proclaim that due to the Tour of Britain cycle race those roads will be closed on Friday 11 September between (approximately) 2pm and 4pm. You will note the day – Friday – and the time – rush hour, which starts early on Fridays. You will also note the proximity of these areas to Crown Island, mentioned above.

You couldn’t make this up. But they’re not finished yet.

Signs proclaim that the roads around Silverdale Island will be closed for two weeks from 7 September. You will note the proximity of Silverdale Island to both the Crown Island and Ruddington.Silverdale Island

You will also note the dates – 7 September – which means that everything, including that idiot cycle event, is going to be happening next Friday.

Edit: The incompetence gets worse by the day. They did NOTHING on 7th or during the day on the 8th, meaning pointless alternative routes were taken by myself when trying to access Silverdale. Then, it was chaos Tuesday night. Wednesday morning it is all gone again, but watch out for Wednesday night.

Also, it appears the work extends on to the A52, which was a single lane northbound Tuesday night (8th), as was part of the A60 from Ruddington.

Colwick Loop Road still has those road works – which started in January, are a month overdue, and which show few signs of concluding soon – due to the building of a Sainsbury’s store on one of the industrial estates.

The junction between Carlton Hill, Cavendish Road, and Station Road in Carlton has delays due to the “upgrading” of the junction. I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I think the sign says “3 weeks”. I didn’t see any advance warning of this, either.

You may remember that this junction is the temporal focal point of my derision towards National Grid, since it was here several years ago that gas main replacement commenced (blocking roads for months at a time) and has spread out like a cancer across the city since.

Driving through Ruddington this morning I saw two people with “NCC” (that’s the County Council) on the backs of their fluorescent jackets with a big tape measure and a can of yellow spray paint marking up the junction of Clifton Road and Wilford Road.Ruddington Clifton Lane/Wilford Lane junction

So brace yourself for weeks of misery there in the near future as they “improve” the road. The actual work on those pedestrian refuges I mentioned right at the start commenced less than a fortnight after some people with spray paint and a measuring wheel had been seen there.

Incidentally, the two people I saw this morning betrayed nothing to suggest they were qualified surveyors (no theodolite, just a big tape measure). They looked like they could be emptying bins later today after they’d finished this job.

These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. There are lots of others, but it just goes to reinforce my assessment of the City and County Councils.

The Theory According to Nottingham City Council

It’s actually quite a simple equation they use. It only has one variable:

x = “make the motorist wait as long as possible”.

I saw it in action this morning. I came off the A453 and turned into Clifton, along Green Lane. As I approached the junction with Southchurch Drive (the tram crossing), the lights changed to red. This is the sequence that followed:

  • a pause of about 10 seconds
  • pedestrian crossings go green for approximately 30 seconds, then back to red
  • a tram has stopped by this time
  • a further 10 second pause
  • Southchurch Drive lights go green, tram and following traffic move off
  • Southchurch Drive lights stay green for at least 1 minute
  • Southchurch Drive lights turn red
  • a further 10 second pause
  • pedestrian crossings go green again for another 30 seconds, then back to red
  • a further 10 second pause
  • Green Lane lights change to green
  • there’s a minor delay moving off because two people with Clifton genes (one riding a mobility scooter) have proceeded to cross well after the green man turned red and we have to wait for them
  • After less than 15 seconds the lights change back to red

Only a fraction of the traffic that had built up along Green Lane got through, and it had to endure the same protracted sequence all over again.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Those responsible for the tram are complete wankers.

The Never-ending Tram Story

The tram officially “opened” on 25 August – getting on for a year behind schedule. Today – 3 September – I was held up in several locations by road closures and/or restrictions which are absolutely and completely part of the tram works. Beeston centre in particular is an un-navigable pigsty of a building site, just as it has been for the entire duration of the tram fiasco.A tram somewhere - anonymised, so it could be ANY tram in ANY city in the world

Mind you, when I say “un-navigable”, I’m only talking about for every road user EXCEPT for those on the tram. Nottingham City/County Council has made damned sure that the illusion of the tram being completed is maintained, irrespective of the fact that they are still causing chaos on the roads.

But my main point is the news item I saw on the BBC local website yesterday. They (the Council) have spent a further £70,000 on a “feasibility study” and they’re already talking about a new £170m extension out past Kimberley and even possibly into Derbyshire, It would involve a tunnel under the M1.

Mark my words: they have already decided to do it.

What makes me so sure? Well, until it was built I had no idea (and no interest) in precisely where the lines would be laid in Clifton. I was taken aback when they removed the original three roundabouts along Southchurch Drive, and I didn’t make the connection until I saw the lines being laid. The roundabouts were removed for the tram, and only for the tram. As is typical with Nottingham City Council, it was a case of screw the motorist – and you now have a situation where “straight ahead” from the south end of Farnborough Road means veering on to Southchurch Drive, whereas continuing along Farnborough Road is now a light-controlled right turn. The lights at all three ex-roundabout locations are heavily biased against road vehicles and they stay on red for ridiculously long periods, even when there is absolutely no other traffic around. The signage in some places is also highly suspect.

But back to the Kimberley extension. Another recent vast and idiotic scheme saw the roundabout where Aspley Lane crosses the ring road completely removed even though it has resulted in traffic jams that were not there before (especially heading south). See where this is going? And if you open up Google Maps, identify Kimberley (specifically the Giltbrook Retail Park where IKEA is located), the Hyson Green tram station, Aspley Lane, and then add somewhere run down that the clowns in the Council might want to “regenerate”… say, Strelley… it doesn’t take a genius to see where the likely route of Line 4 is going to be.

As I say, Line 4 is already decided. It’s just a question of when. Oh, and will they have finished this one before they start on the next? It’s even odds at the moment.

Pointless Road Signs Purge

I’ll believe it when I see it, but DfT has announced a “task force” to look into the problem of “pointless road signs”.One example of erroneous signage

I’m sorry, but they’ve not got the complete story. It isn’t just pointless signs, but also ones which are blatantly wrong – erected by incompetent people employed in sinecures at local councils.

In Nottingham, a good place to start when putting things right would be with the “Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing”. The sooner the clown who holds that position is put somewhere where she can do less damage, the better it would be for everyone.

I’ve already mentioned how she has been directly responsible for hundreds – if not thousands – of 20mph signs being erected in her quest for a blanket 20mph speed limit. But what she also failed to do was make sure the old 30mph signs were removed. The image above is one I took back in May this year, but there are numerous locations where there is the same problem. Most of them are still there. Furthermore, in changing 30mph limits to 20mph ones, the fact that there were already 20mph zones within those areas means that much of the signage is the wrong size.

I believe I am correct in saying that a large sign is legally required at the start of any given speed zone, and smaller repeater signs are used within that as reminders (unless it’s a 30mph zone, in which case the presence of street lighting is the “reminder”). In changing the 30mph signs to 20mph, whole areas now have larger 20mph signs INSIDE the new 20mph zones, which implies that the limit changes at that point. The inconsistent use of 20mph repeaters in the new zones means that motorists could easily be misled.

As an aside, I have been sent some raw data files which show the results of the public consultations on the 20mph speed limit. I won’t spoil it, but watch out for a separate article on that.

Netherfield Road Works Now Running Over Schedule

Road works sign

Warning: this is an old article (though anyone reading it in 2023 would be forgiven for thinking it is current).

Back in January signs went up on the Colwick Loop Road near the Victoria Retail Park. They were the standard “screw you” type much loved by Nottingham City/County Council, gleefully declaring that road works would commence on 19 January 2015 for 30 weeks. Naturally, delays were “expected”.

Well, for anyone who has been keeping count, 16 August marked the end of 30 weeks. As I write this, they are nearly two weeks behind, and judging from the temporary lights and rubble-strewn verges they still have several more weeks to go.

What was particularly irritating about these road works – other than the fact that they cut off yet another route into and out of the city – was the fact that the cones and speed restrictions went up at 8am on 19 January, and yet not a single piece of work took place on the Loop Road until the middle of April. So, we had to endure 15 weeks of traffic jams and rush hour delays for absolutely no benefit.

On the subject of benefit, Council’s road works website still doesn’t identify the purpose of these works. All it says is:

Nottinghamshire County Council is carrying out essential works in this area. This is to ensure that we provide a safe and reliable road network to our road users.

This is complete bollocks. The only purpose of these works is to give access to a new Sainsbury’s superstore which is being built on the industrial estate. The works are not “essential” and they are of virtually no benefit to the motorist. In fact, the additional junction on the Loop Road, the extra traffic, and the fact that the railway bridge can still only accommodate one lane of traffic each way all ensure that the motorist is going to get hammered once everything is finished.

I first heard what they were up to from a pupil whose husband worked for the Council. It seems to be common knowledge now, even if the Council is still trying to pretend otherwise. I came across official confirmation that they’re building a Sainsbury’s when I was using Open Street Maps to plot a GPS trace using my GPS tracker recently – the site is clearly labelled, as shown here in the large circle.

The new Sainsburys site

As an aside, you have to wonder at the mentality of Sainsbury’s board of directors. The company is suffering falling sales, and after 10 years of continuous growth they have suffered six consecutive quarterly falls in sales. They reportedly cannot compete any further with the price cutting specialists (Aldi and Lidl in particular). Yet here they are building an expensive new store within 500 metres of an M&S Foodhall, a Morrisons superstore, and a Lidl (marked by the smaller circles). They even have the resources to employ a bunch of graduates, who I saw being given the Grand Tour of the site a few months ago (though precisely what business the civil work on the other side of the road was of theirs is anyone’s guess).

But I digress. Another new feature of this development is a roundabout inside the industrial estate on Private Road No. 3 (to the lower left of the Sainsbury circle). It’s worth a special mention, given that it is just a few hundred metres away from the Colwick Test Centre.

The old Colwick fuel depot

Private Road No. 3 is a long, mainly straight, and fairly wide road which gives on to numerous industrial plots. These include BDF (Britain’s largest onshore drilling company), various recycling plants (household waste and building rubble), an aggregate supplier, several commercial vehicle repair companies, cement mixers/suppliers, two major fuel suppliers (it’s hard to miss those fuel tanks from the road), and numerous other companies operating supply and warehousing services. Oh, and the test centre, of course.

Apart from that last one, you don’t have to be a genius to realise what sort of traffic uses this road (I’ll give you a hint: 90% of it is long, heavy, and has more than six wheels) and Private Road No.3’s design – if not purposely made that way – has certainly attracted such businesses, Until Nottingham City and/or County Council stuck its oar in, that is.

BDF, Wastecycle, and all those other people who have operated large commercial vehicles out of the industrial estate for decades in order to ply their trades will no doubt be surprised to learn that they don’t need a straight road after all. Obviously, what they they really needed was a tight roundabout, about 10m across and offset from the line of the road, so that anyone using to continue along the road has to travel more than three-quarters of the way round its circumference, successively pointing at almost all points of the compass as they do. But hey! It’s Sainsbury’s, right? I guess that someone somewhere is going to be benefitting from all this, but it isn’t you or me as the motorist.

Bribe money being pocketed

I don’t think anyone would be so stupid as to make this back entrance to the Sainsbury’s site one of the ways into its customer car park (I assume it will be for deliveries only), but I do think there are plenty of stupid people out there who shop at Sainsbury’s and who “get lost” often enough to end up trying it. And if they’re stupid enough to get in there in the first place, they will easily be stupid enough to cause further problems when they encounter the lorries they are holding up as they try to turn around.

Something else that isn’t immediately apparent (you can’t see it on the map above, but it’s there) is that to the lower right of the Sainsbury’s circle there is a cycle route which goes down to the river. As you approach the roundabout, the most obvious route (if you’re a cyclist) is anticlockwise on the roundabout – it’s about 80% shorter than doing it legally. Consider also that the major users of this cycle route are both cyclists and fishermen and you can easily see that the short route will be taken more frequently than the longer one.

Consider also that the kind of people who work at some of the places on the industrial estate. It helps if you know that they drive Audis, BMWs, and Corsas. For these people, speed limits are less than advisory, and Private Road No.3 is their own personal drag strip. I mention this simply because I’ve seen them going “the short way” already on weekend afternoons.

So there you have it. Another Council cock-up as far as overblown road works is concerned. And goodbye to another two simple routes, as they’re turned into convoluted junctions with yet more traffic lights.

One final thought. Don’t expect the “temporary” 30mph limit to go back to 40mph – especially not near the new Sainsbury’s junction. Even if it does, don’t expect it to stay there for very long after the first few serious accidents caused by dolts “getting confused” as they try to take their shopping home.

Nottingham Tram Making “History”

I nearly choked when I saw it. An email alert from Nottingham City Council says:

History made as new tram routes open

Nottingham’s new expanded tram network will open to the public on Tuesday 25th August 2015, it was announced today.

History will be made at 6am tomorrow, when the first trams on the new lines to Clifton and Chilwell commence passenger service.

Councillor Jane Urquhart, with lead responsibility for NET at Nottingham City Council, said: “This is a really great day for Nottingham. It marks the dawn of a new era when NET becomes a true network and, with trams running from every seven minutes, it is all set to provide easier access to key locations right across the city.

“The tram provides the backbone to the city’s integrated transport network, underpinning all the efforts to reduce congestion, improve the environment and make Nottingham an even better place to live, work or visit.”

It’s bollocks. I drove down Robin Hood Way with a pupil this afternoon, and at the Arkwright Street traffic lights – where the tram cuts across – the road is dug up. No one was working on it, and there is no way it will be gone by tonight. However, it isn’t actually on the tram lines, which explains why Nottingham City Council can make outlandish and blatantly false claims. But it is causing hold ups to traffic because only one car can pass at a time – and not even that if there is a bus at the bus stop which is almost opposite the junction. There are numerous locations where restrictions to everyone else are still in place.

I also drive down Beeston High Road this morning with another pupil. It was dead, and most of the shops were closed. Maybe when the tram starts running tomorrow we’ll see Jesus appearing with the Heavenly Host and everything will be all right again. More than likely, though, we won’t.

Let no one ever forget the incompetence that Nottingham’s tram system is built upon. Let no on ever forget that it is almost a year behind schedule. Let no one ever forget that it has cost them an arm and a leg in costs associated with traffic jams and additional fuel costs. And let no one ignore the fact that it will continue to do so for some months yet while they continue work which is not really complete after all.

Nottingham – City of Road Works

For some years now, driving in Nottingham has been a nightmare. Apart from the tram (three years and counting), we’ve had gas main replacements (still on-going), and electricity cable replacements – both running concurrently (and in the same places) as the tram works).Nottingham - City of Road Works

We’ve also had sundry extended closures and diversions for Severn Trent to play The Little Dutch Boy as it tries to stem the myriad leaks in its pipework, and for builders to install service pipes and cabling to the numerous areas of greenbelt the Council has granted planning permission to build on.

On top of all this, the Council was recently awarded a grant from the EU for supposed “improvements” to the ring road, and a further grant to do something similar in the so-called “cultural zone” around Sneinton and St Ann’s. There was a condition attached that the money had to be spent by a certain time, so the Council commenced everything almost immediately. One area currently acting as a major bottleneck is the Crown Island.

Let me stress that the work on Crown Island is absolutely and completely a part of the Council’s “ring road improvements” scheme. The roundabout is currently cut from four lanes to two, so you can imagine the queues that form even when it is relatively quiet.

So it comes as a surprise to learn today that an event at Wollaton Park – some half-assed attempt to break the world record for the number of people dressed as “superheroes” all in one place – led to traffic jams. The Council’s official response (5.20pm) via the BBC was:

Nottingham City Council has apologised to people caught up in traffic around Wollaton Park earlier as thousands descended on its Superhero Picnic.

Councillor Dave Trimble said the support “far exceeded our expectations”.

“Given the high numbers of people who have attended this free event today, we have offered advice about possible alternative routes home. We are aware that motorists were caught up earlier in queues and we’re sorry if their journeys were affected,” he said.

I’m sorry to use this sort of language, but there is only one word that comes to mind here: wanker. He and the other halfwits at the City Council have created a major, long-term traffic bottleneck at the Crown Island to add to all the other bottlenecks they have on the go at the moment. What  they then did was to arrange a pathetic, childish event at Wollaton Park – less than a mile away from the roundabout in question – which they failed to organise or police properly. As a result, it was chaos. An earlier BBC report (around 4.40pm) says:

Congestion is building around Wollaton Park again, with slow traffic on A6514 Middleton Boulevard at the Crown Island and on the A52 in both directions between the QMC and Priory Islands.

Earlier there was a Superhero Picnic event at the park which caused traffic to come to a standstill nearby.

They should not be arranging such events while such major road works are in place. Even worse, this one was the equivalent of one of those house parties you hear about where some prat announces it on Facebook, and a load of gate crashers turn up. An even earlier BBC report (2pm) states:

Some families heading to Wollaton Park’s Superhero Picnic say they have been forced to turn back because of traffic chaos in the area…

[A woman attending said] “We set off from Arnold at about 10:30 and got to the Wollaton pub at 11:35, ten minutes later we turned around because the traffic wasn’t moving.

“Both children were crying because they were so fed up… we saw others walking away from the picnic too,” she said.

Motorists were going crazy (1pm):Tweets from motorists in the area

On top of that, buses were seriously delayed due to the gridlock. At 12.30pm congestion extended along the A52, A609, and Bramcote Lane.

But the beauty of all this is that – in the same news feed – the BBC reports that:

Managers and owners of businesses near Nottingham’s Crown Island say they’ve lost tens of thousands of pounds each because ongoing roadworks have caused access problems.

Landlord, Sarah Tutin from the Crown Hotel pub, said: “We’re a small business and we’re just being wiped out. We are at rock bottom now.”

So the Council incompetently decided to arrange an event involving 10,000 visitors to Wollaton Park, just off the island.

And here’s the punch line:

Nottingham City Council said the works are by the utility companies and their on-site engineers are in regular contact with the businesses to address any concerns.

Remember that word I used earlier? This just proves it. They are also liars – the Crown Island mess is THEIR mess, THEY created it. It is THEIR project. It is part of the ring road “improvements”. They’re also cowards – they can’t blame the utility companies, who would have to get permission from the Council anyway to carry out work of this magnitude.

For what it’s worth, I got stuck in it at Dunkirk at about 4.30pm as I was driving to a lesson.