Can You Practice Bay Parking At Colwick MPTC?


Someone found the blog on that search term. The test centre manager has had to put up signs telling instructors not to use the car park, because they were too stupid to understand the effect they were having on people who were on their tests. It wasn’t until the results of several tests were influenced by them getting in the way that he was forced to take action.

Even now, some instructors are so unbelievably thick that they still turn up to practice – and the reason is because they’re so bad at their jobs they can’t teach the manoeuvre anywhere else.

You do not need to practice the manoeuvre in there. I never have, and not one of my pupils has ever failed on the bay park exercise if they’ve got it on their test.

If you’re a learner and your ADI tries to take you in there, find another instructor quickly – one who actually knows what they’re doing! There are loads of car parks you can use – many of them much quieter (and some busier) than the test centre one when people are coming and going for test.

Just think how you’d feel if you were asked to bay park on your test, and some half-wit of an ADI turned up with a pupil to prat about in the car park right next to you. Well, think of that before you do it to someone else.

If I see anyone practising when I’m in the waiting room I report them in writing. School name, phone number, car registration.

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