Test Pass: 26/7/2013

TickWell done James, who passed today first time with just 4 driver faults. James has only been with me for about four weeks as the result of booking an intensive course. I don’t actually advertise these because I don’t agree with intensives, but James had done an initial lesson and in spite of never having driven before he turned out to be an absolute natural.

So when his dad phoned me to ask about doing an “intensive” I agreed – this was also partly due to the fact that since my diary was quite full the lessons were actually spaced out and although we had a few of consecutive days, some lessons were several days apart. I guess this is what I’ve always referred to as “semi-intensive”, and I’m a bit more comfortable with those.

I wish all learners learnt this quickly. But everyone is different (another reason I won’t do intensives too often) and so just have to learn in their own time. Indeed, James passed his theory test within days of his 17th birthday, began lessons the same week, and has passed his practical – all within a month!

James has been one of the nicest people I’ve ever taught (mainly because he thought my jokes were funny).

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