Test Pass: 13/12/2013

TickWell done Vanessa, who passed today first time with just 2 driver faults. Hopefully, this will help with the decision she’s got to make over Christmas about her future education and career path.

She’s been another one with whom lessons have been a pleasure instead of a chore. One small thing that did crop up a couple of lessons before her test is the danger of mum and dad getting involved too deeply, especially at a late stage. For example, you don’t go over speed bumps at 5mph, in spite of what dad says! And as far as I’m concerned, you don’t put it into neutral at every set of traffic lights – especially if you’re first in the queue – because you’ll end up causing hold ups. Oh, and mum and dad have to try and understand that 30 years of road experience means they can do things a learner can’t, so don’t expect the learner to drive with the same level of skill or confidence.

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