Contact Lens Monitors Glucose Levels

This story on the Beeb reports that Google is testing a “smart” contact lens which can help detect glucose levels in tear fluid.

If left at that, it sounds like a good idea. But the report adds:

The firm said it is also working on integrating tiny LED lights that could light up to indicate that glucose levels have crossed certain thresholds.

Google really can’t help itself, sometimes. I guess we should be grateful that technology isn’t yet advanced enough for the things to contain a camera – though I will lay odds that Google is already looking to integrate this with Google Glass, which would mean it DOES have a camera capability. I can also think of at least one crackpot in America who will be at the front of the queue to be a beta tester.

I wonder how long it will be before your contact lenses start sending you spam based on what you’ve been looking at?

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