Test Pass: 1/2/2014

TickWell done to James, who passed first time today with just 3 driver faults. A few weeks ago his need to pass went from “before summer” to “by February 14th” as a result of some upcoming interviews. Part of me hates these sorts of deadlines, but the other part enjoys them (it depends on the pupil, though).

James has been a good – albeit sometimes frustrating – pupil to teach. His desire to demonstrate to me that he knew where we were at all times by asking where we were going before I could give directions sometimes drove me up the wall, particularly when we were trying to deal with a junction and his attempts to demonstrate his geographical awareness distracted him and he didn’t slow down soon enough or change gear.

Still, it means all my passes this year have been first timers, with my overall pass rate being at 60%.

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