Test Pass: 11/2/2014

TickWell done Harry, who passed today with just two driver faults. It was especially good considering that the heavens opened half way through his test, and he had to complete it in very poor conditions. I was annoyed to see that he also nearly had to contend with one of the local idiots who pass themselves off as ADIs driving into the test centre to “practice” bay parking shortly before the other candidates started arriving back.

As I’ve said before, there are at least eight car parks I use for this manoeuvre on lessons, never getting in anyone’s way – and finding somewhere else if another instructor is already there. It’s a shame for this business that these morons manage to keep hold of their green badges, as they repeatedly attempt to screw up other peoples tests and ignore the test centre manager’s frequent polite requests to piss off somewhere else.

Back to the subject, though, it was also nice to have someone who was genuinely pleased with his pass certificate as we drove back home.

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