Well, In Florida Too…

Another funny story (funny for the rest of us) – from Florida this time. Patrick Snay had been in dispute over losing his job as a headmaster, and the authorities had agreed an out-of-court settlement of $80,000. Snay had to agree not to reveal the terms of the settlement. So far, so good.

But it would appear that Mr Snay had not really learnt much about the mentalities of the age group he had been associated with for however long he’d been a headmaster.

His daughter, Dana, immediately went on to Facebook and blabbed:

Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT,

Like most immature people, she had a list of followers as long as your arm – and some were either current or former pupils at the school. She had some 1,200 followers, to be a little more precise. Gulliver immediately went back to the court, which has ruled in their favour and blocked the settlement.

So Mama and Papa Snay won’t be getting $80,000 after all. And Dana won’t be gallivanting around Europe at Gulliver’s expense. If her parents have anything about them, she won’t be gallivanting anywhere at anyone’s expense.

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