Annoying Adverts 2014

If you use the search box on the right and type “annoying adverts”, you’ll see the previous examples I’ve written about. It seems that I’m not alone, as those adverts were specifically Googled by people (along with the word “annoying”) to find the blog.

I was just typing out an article before I left for my afternoon lesson, and I was assailed by two candidates for 2014’s most annoying adverts. Both involve whistling – the most irritating sound known to man.

The first was for Nescafe instant coffee. It features a number of people whistling “Bring Me Sunshine” and making other noises. It was followed immediately by an advert for TSB and, if anything, the annoyance level was higher due to the tuneless high-pitched racket. To make matters worse, TSB is obviously on some sort of campaign, as another variant with the same intense whistling came on at the next commercial break.

Why can’t people get it into their thick skulls that whistling is annoying? With knobs on.

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