A Leading Driving School?

You don’t half see some rubbish, sometimes. This story came in on the newsfeeds, and it begins:

One of the leading driving schools in the country has embarked on an expansion plan which will see it cover all the parts of the United Kingdom.

This “leading driving school” is called County Learners Driving School, of whom I had never heard. I had never seen an advert for them, and a Google search only threw up three recent press releases with the exact same text. Their own website – if such existed – didn’t come up at all. Odd for a “leading” company, don’t you think?

If you use the domain name part of the contact email address given at the end of the press release you find what is obviously an unfinished website. Actually, that’s an overstatement – what you find is a barely started website. I has literally no content and no functionality whatsoever. It has what appears to be some sort of countdown timer, which reads:

Anticipate NaN DaysNaN HoursNaN MinutesNaN Seconds

There is no text to indicate who the website refers to.

So you have to wonder how they can call themselves a “leading driving school”. On that basis, I could call my own school “worldwide” or “international” just because I like the words. I think they mean they’re a “new” driving school, and I wonder if the ASA is aware of this misleading hype.

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