Test Pass: 2/6/2014

TickWell done to Fabienne, who passed today – at long last – with just 3 driver faults. She’s one of my (now ex-) serial failers, and this was her ninth test, albeit only her fourth with me.

She’s actually a very good driver, but on each previous test she did something different wrong and got a serious fault for it. Her nerves were terrible, and this had a lot to do with her record – on her last test, for example, she made the typical mistake of not maintaining lane discipline on a roundabout, and then not checking her mirror as she exited. And yet this never happened on lessons, before or after. She couldn’t even remember doing it.

Anyway, this was one of the satisfying ones because she was so happy. It meant so much too her, particularly as she is starting a new job and being able to drive will make a huge difference.

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