Test Pass: 28/7/2014

TickWell done to Peter, who passed today with just four driver faults. A well-deserved result to a fellow Arsenal fan.

I usually marked his driver record using the “Spurs Index” – a number between 0 and 10 depending on what he did wrong, just to wind him up. The Index maxed out a few days ago when we were doing a bay park and he kept going too far and finishing just past straight. When I analysed it with him, he said “well, there is a reason but I didn’t really want to tell you because I know you’ll laugh”. I said: “Come on. You’re going to tell me now”.

It turned out he was trying to be better than perfect, which somehow meant going beyond straight to him. And he was right: I did laugh. But it meant that we got it sorted, even if it did gain a perfect “10” on the Spurs Index.

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