Test Pass: 24/4/2015

TickWell done to Cassie, who passed first time with 9 driver faults in late April. Another very pleasant person to teach.

She gave me a good laugh on the day of her test. When she got in the car she started asking me about remedies for nerves, and revealed that she’d been eating bananas and drinking a lot of water, because she’d heard they were good for dealing with nerves. I discovered a half eaten banana in her bag when I reached over to pick it up to pass it to her and put my hand in it.

But the best part was when she told me she’d been for a run that morning, because she’d read that running was good for calming you down. I didn’t think anything of it, until she added that she’d got half way down the road and ended up gasping for breath. I looked at her and asked “don’t you usually run then?”, to which she replied “no.”

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