This Is An Absolute First!

I picked one of my pupils up for his lesson last week, and he informed me he had failed his theory test. When I questioned him, it became clear he’d failed on the hazard perception part. He’d scored 0 for it – no points whatsoever for any of the 14 clips. Fry asleep

I know he’d been practising, because getting his licence is important to him. So what happened for him to get no points at all?

He fell asleep!

Yup. As the HPT began, he just sat there and fell asleep. I could scarcely believe it

What caused it was a combination of things. To begin with, he is a carer, and that means he works stupid hours for little more than the minimum wage. Secondly, he has a baby daughter, and he has to look after her when his wife’s at work and he’s not. I figure that some nights he must not get any sleep at all.

But as if those two things on their own were not enough, I have discovered that he now has a second job in a hospital. It hasn’t started yet, but it is the one he’s been looking for as it carries higher pay and greater security. When I asked him why he hasn’t dumped the first job yet, his answer was that he is currently caring for someone and he wants to finish that before he hands in his notice. What a great guy.

He nearly didn’t go to the interview, either. When they called him he realised he had no one to look after the baby and said he wouldn’t be able to make it – to which they replied “bring the baby along”. So he did.

In the latter years of my time in the rat race, I was literally praying nightly for something to happen which meant I didn’t have to put up with unnecessary crap any more (my prayers were answered, of course, and I became a driving instructor). If I’d have had to put up with any more nonsense from those prats I worked for I think it would have killed me. But this pupil has it even worse.

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