A Knelling Chair?

One of the most popular topics on this blog is my DIY kneeling chair. It has had thousands of hits.

Death KnellI was amused that it got 8 hits the other day on the search term "knelling chair". That just had to be the same person – I can't see 8 different people searching for that. Well, not unless there is something called a "knelling chair"!

I've said before that the way Google finds things is impressive. This is another good example.

I have also noticed quite a few hits on other stories on search terms involving spurious punctuation marks and very strange spelling. You also get people visiting the site who can't possibly be looking for what they find, but they have used ambiguous search phrases or single words.

I doubt, for example, that the person who searched for "pine" (with quotation marks around it) was really looking for the story about the guy who allegedly inhaled a pine seed and it germinated in his lung!

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