Driving Tests In English Only (American Tale)

An interesting story from the Southeast Missourian (USA). State legislators are supporting a Missouri House bill whereby driving tests could only be conducted in English.

House Speaker Steven Tilley, R-Perryville said:

If there’s a flashing sign that says ‘merge left,’ I want somebody who can read that sign…

Missouri currently conducts the test in 11 languages, but the candidate can pay for and supply their own interpreter (from an approved list) if they speak a language that isn’t covered.

I’ll let you read the story and form your own opinions.

Imagine someone raising something like that in the UK.

EDIT 23/2/2011: CBS St Louis reports that the bill mentioned above is going to be debated in the House.

EDIT 5/3/2011: WLTZ 38 News reports that a lawsuit filed in Alabama claiming that multiple-language driving tests were “unconstituional” has been rejected by the Alabama Supreme Court. No reason was given.

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