Yeovil Test Centre

I mentioned in passing that Yeovil Test Centre was moving. I was speculating on what might happen amongst instructors down that way.

According to The West Country, the DSA has confirmed a new test centre location (though it can’t reveal where just yet).The whole thing seems to be a molehill that’s been deliberately turned into a mountain.

The DSA did not appear to be proposing to cease operations in Yeovil at any time, and yet that is how the local MP is describing it. He talks of the “considerable” distance to the nearest alternative (about 20 miles, though he leads with one that is 28 miles away).

It really bugs me when someone makes an assumption, has that assumption dismissed by facts, and then goes on and on and on about the assumption as if it ever had any validity – when all it was was a misguided opinion.

EDIT 22/6/2011: And here’s the final outcome.

Let me just summarise this whole affair for those out their with lead between their ears, and who have trouble thinking straight:

  • the DSA said all along it was keeping the practical testing facility in Yeovil
  • the DSA said it had found alternative premises
  • the DSA has confirmed – absolutely and finally – that it has found alternative premises

This seems to be a bit complicated for some people, who were rattling on about losing the practical test facility in spite of a crystal clear statement to the contrary.

They’ll have to moan about something else now.

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