NI to Cut Drink-Drive Limits

Single Whisky

Northern Ireland has been in the news today concerning plans to drop the current 80mg/100ml blood alcohol limit to 50mg/100ml. The changes would see an even lower limit of 20mg/100ml set for younger drivers and people who driver for a living.

The UK decided against a lower limit earlier this year – quite possibly because lower limits would bring us into line with Europe, and this government is overtly anti-European.

The What Car? article says that it would be the first time different zones of the UK as a whole had differing limits.

Scotland is also in favour of a reduced alcohol limit, and also of giving police wider powers for random roadside alcohol tests. Unfortunately for Scotland, the decision still lies with the UK government – unless the Scotland Bill is passed, which would allow them to make their own laws.

Also according to the article, Wales is not considering any change to its laws. I find that one particularly strange, as Wales has as much of a problem with this as Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England do.

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