Theory Test App for Android

AA Theory Test App for Android

I found this on the Android Market today – it’s a theory test app from the AA.

The free version lets you try out 70 of the question bank questions, but the full version has all of them. The full version only costs £1.99, and it has a nice, clean design and interface.

I assume that it will auto-update when the questions change, since the spiel says it is good for tests after 2008 (which implies it is the current question bank, which will be valid until the end of the year).

From January 2012, the questions will no longer be exactly those on the actual test – this app is at pains to point out that those it contains ARE the same as on the theory test proper.

I’m going to start mentioning it to my pupils. I can’t see anyone having a problem spending £1.99 on practising for their theory test – though I’m sure some will resent even that, and will still try the free route whenever they can.

I also can’t wait to see what the ADI glitterati have to say about it when they find out. The screenshot above is NOT the full display – it scrolls down – but I bet some prat will try and argue that it is a steep hill DOWNWARDS (it is), and the AA is wrong.

This is just one of several similar apps you can get for practising the theory test questions – you choose whatever suits you.

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