Unpleasant Flashbacks!

Brrrrrr! That was nasty! Someone found the blog on the search term “daily team meeting diary”, and I broke out into a cold sweat! Meetings, bloody meetings! And daily ones!

Daily team meetings – one of the reasons why we’re in a recession. People wasting their time on pointless get-togethers in the mistaken belief Daily Team Meetingsthat it in any way improves productivity.

A daily meeting is bad enough. Add the word “team” and it becomes a hundred times worse. And when some comedian wants to spend money on a physical diary to plan the bloody things, you realise that the company in question hasn’t got a hope in hell of surviving long.

For one thing, why would you want a diary for something that happens every day? OK, the people who go for these things are probably too stupid even to remember a daily appointment, but you can see the problem.

But going one step further, can you imagine the wasted time involved each day if they’re going so far as to have a written agenda for each one, and someone apparently has to write down what they need to cover at the following day’s meeting, as well as do the minutes for the previous one?

Assuming they haven’t got a secretary recruited for the specific purpose of managing daily meetings (which would be a ridiculous waste of manpower), the ones they do have will be complaining like mad about having to administer the minutes, the agendas, and all the inevitable changes you get even for an ad hoc meeting, let alone a frequent one, with the corrections, discussions, and arguments they create. And that will be on top of the secretary’s normal workload.

The usual extra activity that results from any meeting is bad enough – they typically involve new ideas and changes of direction – but having this happen on a daily basis automatically means whatever was discussed and agreed the day before is frequently going to have been totally pointless. And if there is no change of direction, why have the meeting?

How can anyone remain in business by being so stupid?

Mind you, having slept on on it, I thought of a few other things. You see, people ARE that stupid – too stupid to realise that a simple page-a-day diary is all they would need if they really MUST have a special diary for daily team meetings. Then it occurred to me that page-a-day diaries are only available in A4 and A5 sizes, and that there must be a huge potential market out there for A3 and larger sizes.

What a fantastic entrepreneurial business idea: A0-sized Daily Team Meeting Diaries.

There are people out there who would wet themselves to get one!

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