THINK! Biker

An email alert from the DSA mentions a £1.2m ad campaign by THINK! urging people to think and take care around motorcyclists.

Motorcyclists doing what you have a motorbike for in the first placeOne very important piece of missing advice is that motorcyclists also ought to take care and think – they’re often not entirely blameless for the scrapes they get into.

Weaving in an out of cars at traffic lights, almost invariably going either too fast for the conditions or speed limit, accelerating “just because you can”, and so on when you’re already a very fragile moving target isn’t the most intelligent way of behaving.

I am 100% behind the idea of motorists – or anyone on the roads – taking care around motorcyclists. I mean, I wouldn’t like to prang one, even if it wasn’t my fault.

However, I am not convinced that motorists should continue to be forced to shoulder quite so much of the responsibility. It is all too often the stupidity of the motorcyclist that’s the real underlying problem.

Perhaps THINK! should “think” about dealing with the problem at source, rather than keep trying to patch things up elsewhere?

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