100-Year Old Still Driving

You can look at this story from two sides. One side – the cosy, mumsy side – makes you think “ahhh! That’s sweet”.

The other side – the one involving cold logic – makes you say “but she’s 100 years old!”

The lady in question, Susie Dixon, never had to take a driving test. Back when she was a girl there was no such thing as the driving test. But that’s not really relevant. Neither is the fact that she has never had an accident in all her time on the road.

The simple fact is, she’s a 100-year old person who, it can be guaranteed, will never be a 150-year old person. No matter how healthy she is for a 100-year old, she could just die or have her health deteriorate at any time, just like that. That starts to become a significant risk above 60 years, and it gets worse the older you get.

Miss Dixon has been given another 3 years before she needs another health check-up.

The way her family gush over how she can still remember things from when they were kids hints strongly at there being certain “little old lady” traits that aren’t being mentioned.

One son said: “She is fantastic for her age”.

Yes. She is certainly in a tiny, tiny minority. Most people her age cannot drive safely. No mention is made of how she drives – other than that she’s never had an accident.

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