Driving In The Wet

A timely reminder from the DSA about driving in wet weather.

Rule 227

In wet weather, stopping distances (PDF, 125KB) will be at least double those required for stopping on dry roads. This is because your tyres have less grip on the road. In wet weather

  • you should keep well back from the vehicle in front. This will increase your ability to see and plan ahead
  • if the steering becomes unresponsive, it probably means that water is preventing the tyres from gripping the road. Ease off the accelerator and slow down gradually
  • the rain and spray from vehicles may make it difficult to see and be seen
  • be aware of the dangers of spilt diesel that will make the surface very slippery
  • take extra care around pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders

Not many people follow this advice, judging by the number of fire engines and ambulances I’ve seen racing around today.

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