Rush: Clockwork Angels + New Single

Rush has released details of the Clockwork Angels release date – now confirmed as 11 June in the UK. They’ve also released a trailer for the new single “Headlong Flight”.

<<Embedded video removed as no longer works>>

The cover artwork also looks impressive. And the track listing is confirmed as follows:Clockwork Angels Album Artwork

  • Caravan
  • BU2B
  • Clockwork Angels
  • The Anarchist
  • Carnies
  • Halo Effect
  • Seven Cities Of Gold
  • The Wreckers
  • Headlong Flight
  • BU2B2
  • Wish Them Well
  • The Garden

Roll on 11 June.

Update: Darren Redick will be giving the single its first UK play on his show this Thursday 19th April over on Planet Rock.

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