Rush – Headlong Flight Single Released

The new Rush single, Headlong Flight, was played on Planet Rock today. This is the official lyric video – play it fullscreen: it’s in HD.

They also announced a North American tour which starts in September and runs until December. Fingers crossed that this will be extended to Europe come the new year – that’s often how Rush does these things.

Rush - Headlong Flight artworkThe new single is very old-style Rush – guitar-driven and heavy. It runs for more than seven minutes. The imagery is in keeping with BU2B and Caravan, which have both been out for some time now. The mix is also very clean, giving a sharp sound.

Having heard it several times now, I have to say it is brilliant – I’m trying hard not to be biased, but really: it is!

The single artwork is also impressive – again, keeping the motifs that started with the Time Machine Tour and which characterised the rear-screen projections for Caravan on that tour, and the singles when they were released.

I can’t wait for Clockwork Angels to be released in June.

Footnote: Although I mentioned my thoughts about them coming to the UK to tour Clockwork Angels in 2013, it occurred to me that 2014 will be R40, and they did only come here last year…

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