If You Find Driving Difficult, Blame Your Instructor…

That’s nonsense, of course, But it seems to be the favoured excuse of some learners when their mates are winding them up.

I was reading a forum where there are a lot of learners and people with immature attitudes hanging about, and someone was asking for opinions about whether they should change instructor. They write:

Had about 10-12 lessons and haven’t done all that much! Just mirror, signal, manoeuvre. Driving on main roads. Drove in 1,2,3,4 gear. Done mini roundabouts, hills, clutch control, but that’s about it.

Two of my friends started with the same instructor at the same time and they’ve done loads more, including parallel parking, turning around corners etc.

Every week they ask me what I’ve done and I always say nothing, which is starting to annoy me. I know I must be rubbish, but wondered if I should swap driving instructor because I don’t learn properly with this guy or something?

Oh and he’s always late, to me and my friends. But later with me. Been on time once. Latest was 40 minutes late.

The only part of that which is bad – assuming it’s true and not just an afterthought to imply blame – is the turning up late part. That’s just not on, especially if you’re paying for the lost time.

But 10-12 lessons, especially if they’re only one hour sessions, is not a lot. For many new drivers having covered all of that in the first paragraph in only 12 hours isn’t really that bad. My only comment is that I’d also have such a learner doing the manoeuvres by this stage.

As usual, some of the replies demonstrate an intelligence and level of immaturity which defies belief, but which is all too common in young people today:

I would definitely go with a different instructor if your doing less than your friends and he is turning up much later to your lessons, sounds like he thinks he can do whatever he likes, and it will only get worse.

This implies that everyone learns at the same rate. They don’t.

This one manages to plumb the depths of stupidity to new lows:

YES! You should totally change. I stuck with my instructor which was really dumb, it took me failing my test 4 times before I decided he had to go.

Also I was a really nervy driver, yet I drove at 60mph in 5th gear on an A road in my first lesson; sounds like he’s completely milking you, AND he’s late?! Bad, bad, bad!

Odd that it took four test failures to realise this, and even odder (not mention totally in contradiction to) what the same poster writes in reply to someone questioning the same thing:

Hey, I have nerves! I drove 250 miles with my Uncle totally fine three days before my last test. And I always come out with less than 8 minors, but I always make at least one serious mistake because I overthink everything.

So, this person can drive, but failing the test was their instructor’s fault? And they openly admit to being scared to even be in a car? And it’s funny how they are criticising their instructor for pushing them, when they’re accusing someone else’s instructor of “milking” them for allegedly not doing the same!

And as for “overthinking”… that is the bane of my life when I get pupils who do that, because it does hold them back. Often, the only way of dealing with it is driving time and experience-building – neither of which can be acquired overnight!

There are fast learners and slow learners in the world. If you’re one of the slow ones, you can’t really blame your instructor.

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