Clockwork Angels Set To Chart In Top 5

Clockwork Angels MerchandiseJust saw this news item on Planet Rock. It says that Rush’s new album Clockwork Angels is set to chart in the top 5, having sold nearly 100,000 copies in the US alone.

If it charts at #2, it’ll equal Counterparts’ debut position in 1993. Not bad for a bunch of old fogeys who’ve been at it for 40 years and still going strong!

I also got my Clockwork Angels t-shirts this morning from the Rush Backstage Club. All ready for next May!

It’s worth keeping an eye on Planet Rock because they’re playing some interviews and shows Geddy recorded when Darren Redick interviewed him a few weeks back. You can listen to most of the shows using the on-demand service.

Check out this Rolling Stone interview with Alex about the record and Rush at this time in their careers.

And also in Rolling Stone, this interview with Neil on the same subject.

EDIT 21/6/2012: Wow! It went in at Number 2!

Billboard 200 for Week Ending 30 June 2012

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