Oxymorons ‘R’ Us

An OxymoronSometimes, you just have to smile. I noticed that there’s a bit of a disagreement going on at the moment about the use of emails to advertise goods and services, and the definition of “spam”.

It’s an interesting one, because if I get an email from someone out of the blue, it’s apparently “spam” if I don’t want the service. But what if I do? What if the service was one I didn’t know about? Is it “spamming” to tell people about it? To advertise?

But that’s not specifically my point. In the case I have in mind, one of the services being offered is a register of only Grade 5 and 6 instructors, with the argument that we’ve got to push quality in the industry forwards. A couple of things, though:

  • Grade 4s are not always inferior to Grade 5s and 6s
  • Grade 4s are perfectly acceptable as far as the DSA – the people who call the shots – are concerned

So, where’s this oxymoron at, then? Well, one of the other services on offer is a register intensive driving course providers throughout the UK!

Now, this is strictly my own opinion – and it’s also right – but intensive training is designed absolutely and specifically to get people to pass the driving test in the shortest time possible. It isn’t about “safe driving for life”. Even if someone offering it pretends not to be just doing it to get people through the test, the simple fact is that gaining driving experience requires time on the road, and signing up for an intensive course which allows you to go from absolute novice to driving a Ferrari (but probably an Audi) in less than a fortnight (usually a week) is hardly pushing quality in the industry forwards.

I’m not criticising anyone’s advertising or entrepreneurial moxie in any way. Nor do I see it as spam (like some others seem to do) – it’s just simple advertising, and you can take it or leave it. It just seems odd to me that two totally conflicting variables are in the equation.

On a related note, a local Chinese restaurant has signs up outside advertising its Chinese New Year party, which appears to take place over two nights. They say:

Chinese Lion Dance + ABBA Tribute

Chinese Lion Dance + Elvis Tribute

Not quite oxymorons. But nearly.

Never Trust A Foodie Web Review

I was looking for some suitable storage jars for my spices – they needed to be airtight, of course, otherwise there’s no point using them, and the contents will go off.

Kilner JarNow, I don’t know why I didn’t just go for Kilner Jars in the first place (well, I tried, but there were no obvious stockists locally), so I started looking around. And I found that ASDA do hinged-lid jars of various sizes . There was a gushing review of the things from some dizzy woman on a foodie website somewhere, so I went into the store and bought a few.

They’re bloody useless! I sensed something was wrong when I noticed that as the locking mechanism moves past its highest point, the tension is released slightly. You can see the rubber seal actually leaving the glass as it does so. So it meant that my Paprika could be sprinkled out even when the lid was tight shut – which obviously means it is exposed to air, and that’s deadly for Paprika.

Another test with water revealed that the jars – all of them – cannot hold liquid, and it pours out through the seal at a fairly fast rate. A total waste of money.

So instead I bought some proper Kilner Jars with hinged lids. These are the real McCoy and – ironically – cost less that the bloody ASDA things (well, from the Jam Jar Shop, at least).

New MOT Rules Introduced

This is an old article, so bear in mind any recent changes to the rules.

A reader submitted this link concerning the new MoT rules which have come into force.

It’s a bit alarmist, claiming that the rules “may trash your car”. After all, at least two of the examples it cites – faulty ABS and faulty seat-belt pre-tensioners – are very important, and failing an MoT because they’re broken serves the owner right.

I mean, if you’re going to insist on owning a car, you automatically accept that you need to keep it in a condition that isn’t going to kill other people (including your passengers). If you can’t afford it – or if you disagree with that responsibility – then you also accept the consequences, and tough luck!

VOSA – the Vehicle and Operator Service Agency, who manage MoT regulations – will not fully implement the changes until April. So at least that gives people some time to get things sorted out.

The article advises buying a 90s banger if you want to avoid the costly electronic gizmo hassle. Unfortunately, it glosses over that other major MoT problem. RUST. Not to mention mechanical wear-and-tear.

I’m not sure what my view on the EU-driven legislation is, because it doesn’t really concern me. However, just because people can’t afford it, or don’t like EU-legislation of any kind, isn’t a reason for it to be wrong.

Mind you, cars should be roadworthy – and many aren’t. So in that respect, I know what my view is!

How Not To Understand Statistics

We’ve not had one of these for a while, but another association is getting itself all Statisticsconfused over pass rates.

On the blog I’ve linked to pass rates for all UK test centres between April 2010 and February 2011. These are intended as a guide, and they will change slightly with time. During the period covered, Bradford’s two test centres had pass rates of 30.7% and 29.4%, compared to the National Average at the same time of 46.4%.

The article here is going on about the pass rates at Bradford’s two centres between April and August 2011 – presumably someone showing how clever they are by requesting the data under FOI – which were 30.1% (down insignificantly on my data by 0.6%) and 35% (up significantly by more than 5%) respectively.

A local “leading driving instructor” appears to be claiming that test fails are guaranteed at certain times of day…

…due to poor parking by other motorists at junctions.

The local association says:

Certain routes are such, at particular times, that even a good driver has difficulty getting out of a junction because cars are parked so close to corners, they are bound to fail at those times.

The same spokesman adds:

I could take a pupil to another test centre in another area and they would pass.

How many times have I heard that! How many of my pupils have failed “because of someone else” over the years? However, another spokesman from the same organisation says:

…congestion experienced along the Heaton test route was also to blame for the high failure rate, as well as poor preparation by some candidates .

I think that last thing is getting a little closer to the real reason for overall low pass rates.

Hasn’t anyone drawn the obvious conclusion here that the pass rate is lower than most other places because of the quality of the candidates? And that the standard of parking these people are complaining about is simply an example of a vicious circle – anyone who passes is likely to end up behaving in exactly the same way?

I’ve mentioned this before, but if you look for the highest pass rate – for Mallaig, in Scotland (Google Map it) – you will see that it has less than a dozen roads and only two of them join in such a way that you could avoid having to perform a turn in the road somewhere. I reckon that the total length of roads there must amount to less than 10km. The pass rate is over 70%, and I’m certain that many of mine who fail first time here could well pass first time up there – but I can’t prove that or do anything about validating it… because I don’t live there! And nor do those test candidates in Bradford.

Now, I won’t explain this in any greater detail, but Bradford is NOT the same as Mallaig. Nor is it alone in having “tricky” roads or idiot members of the public to deal with. Most cities have those.

That second spokesman adds:

Parked cars, inconsiderate road users – new drivers are not prepared for these circumstances.

They bloody well should be prepared – that’s what we get paid for! The bottom line is that you have to prepare your pupils for whatever they are going to have to cope with both on the test and in real life. You can’t start whingeing about them failing just because they’re not good enough to pass.

By all means try and get people to park better. But don’t blame test failures for it, when the people you’re teaching are going to behave in exactly the same way the second they pass.

A Cold Can Make You A Killer

The Halifax Courier refers to it as “research”. I sometimes wonder if these local papers know what that word actually means?

Apparently, drivers with a heavy cold should “think twice about getting behind the wheel” – according to this “new research”.

Driving: The Essential Skills – effectively the learner driver syllabus – says:

Fitness to drive

Don’t drive if you’re feeling tired or unwell. Even a cold can make it unsafe for you to drive . If you find you’re losing concentration or not feeling well, keep your speed down and give yourself more time to react.


Medicines – check any medicines you’re taking to see if it affects your ability to drive. Even medicines for coughs and hay fever can make you drowsy.

So, perhaps we can assume that by “research” they mean that someone read this book?

The “research” is by an insurance company (Young Marmalade). The article goes on to regurgitate what is already written plainly in The Essential Skills as if it has just discovered this all by itself!

The whole point of the article is shot down by the police, who also mentioned the medication people might be taking:

If there is an accident and if someone is not fit to drive, careless driving might be there, but we would have to have evidence.

The entire point of the “research” is summed up by the insurance industry’s “suspicions” that a lot of “prangs” happen while people are “under the weather”. So, another piece of astounding science, eh?

PDIs: Free ADINews Subscription

adiNEWS LogoTo any PDIs out there, adiNEWS Magazine is offering a free 6 month subscription.

Just click the link (or the logo) and enter the password “sixfree”. The offer is valid to new subscribers only until May 2012.

As the blurb says, there’s no obligation. No payment. No fuss.

I’d recommend the magazine to anyone. It contains news and plenty of impartial advice, and that is what PDIs and newly-qualified ADIs need most of all.

Female Driver’s Diet Caused Death Crash

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, a story like this comes along.

Patricia Aitken, 55, was involved in an accident in which a learner driver died. She allegedly  "lost consciousness" behind the wheel – claiming that the low-calorie diet she was on was responsible.

Here’s the good bit: she was sentenced – if you can call it a “sentence” – to 240 hours community service and banned for 5 years.

The story is somewhat confusing. Aitken apparently admitted “careless driving and causing the death of… Suzanne Harkness”, who was only 22. However, it later says that she “initially denied the charge, claiming her low-calorie diet caused her to black out moments before the head-on smash”. It then goes on to say (again):

Initially, Aitken claimed a low-calorie diet which she had been on for two days may have caused her to black out.

Aitken changed her plea to guilty after the Crown produced an expert medical report which dismissed the suggestion that the diet could have caused the loss of consciousness or fainting at the wheel.

Incredibly, the accident took place in August 2009, and yet it has only been dealt with now – and with such a ridiculous outcome.

Understandably, Suzanne Harkness’ family are unhappy with the result.

Admittedly, this is an example of Scottish justice at work, but perhaps someone can explain how this case is any different to Aitken’s? Surely, being a learner is a much better excuse than being on a diet? Yet the learner was jailed (rightly) for 2 years, whereas Aitken has got off scot-free (no pun intended). And why was Aitken not charged with causing death by dangerous driving? After all, she was on the wrong side of the road and her pathetic argument about the diet was refuted and dismissed.

Suzanne Harkness’ driving instructor was also seriously injured and lost consciousness, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Donald Corke must be entered on the Register of Judges With No Sense Whatsoever, which already has a fair few English ones on it.

Test Pass: 7/1/2012

Tick!Well done Javid, who passed with 5 driver faults today. And still the good start to the year continues!

Strange weather, though. The forecast said it would be bright and breezy today. It’s dark and drizzly, and it’s only just started to be breezy this afternoon, so they were only 180° out. One of their better efforts, I guess.

A good result ahead of my first no-show of the year. She’s got ‘flu and she says she texted me, but I didn’t get it. Ah well, can’t have everything go well, I suppose.

SatNav Savvy… or Stupidity?

This story has been on the news the last few days, and it concerns “issues” over satnav devices giving “wrong directions”.

The story is heavy on the usual media overkill. The vast majority of cases involving satnavs giving “wrong directions” are down to people being too stupid for words. The big question is not what to do with their satnav software, but whether these people should be allowed on the roads in the first place.

You’ll get lorry drivers going down roads that are too narrow for their vehicles – even though it is a perfectly legal route, and absolutely fine for anyone else. Or you’ll get people taking “the next turn right” and ending up on canal tow paths or railway lines because they’re simply too thick to recognise the difference between a road and… well, NOT a road.

Even the examples of ambulances “teetering on 100ft cliffs” would require a lot more information before I would concede the satnav was to blame. Even big-nuts emergency Innocent-looking Road from Google Mapsservice drivers possessing all the relevant anorak certificates are capable of judgement errors in the heat of the moment.

But it isn’t specifically the satnavs which are at fault. Even if the driver were following a printed road atlas mistakes could be made.

The road shown on the left, and clipped at high zoom from Google Maps, shows nothing unusual. However, in reality where it crosses that stream (which looks like a lake on the map), there is a FORD. The corresponding Google image on the right shows this Google Image of the Fordclearly. I take my pupils there sometimes… but not when it’s been raining, because then it COULD be as big as a lake (and often is)!

It’s only when you look at a genuine Ordnance Survey map (this one below is copied from their online resource) that there is any hint of there being anything unusual there – and even then you’ve got to be observant enough to note that the stream appears across the road and not under it. You’d need one of those huge fold-out hiking maps to get this sort of detail, but then a simple ½ mile trip to the shops would straddle three of them!

Most modern road atlases are NOT Ordnance Survey standard and this sort of information simply isn’t detailed – and even when it is you need a magnifying glass to eOrdnance Survey Map of the same roadven get close to being able to identify features like this from the style of print.

There was a time when good road atlases had features like this lettered with “FORD” in tiny writing, but many such crossings have disappeared – and I suppose it saves money omitting those that remain.

It isn’t the satnavs, but the maps which are deficient – if you can call it “deficient” not to identify every tiny feature. And even then, they’re only deficient if those using them are also lacking in common sense.

My point is that even when the information is present, it is so insignificant as to be easily missed. This ford is just one example, but almost all cases of lorries getting stuck in narrow lanes, or under low bridges; and of people trying to drive up sheer cliff faces only to discover they can’t are down to stupidity (and poor road skills) on one hand, and the difficulty in providing sufficient detail to cater for such stupidity on the other.

Are satnavs going to have to now contain data on gradients? Or warnings for every single river that might have a tow path entryway near it? Or perhaps audible alerts to identify field gateways and farm driveways for the benefit of the peripatetic pillocks passing by?

It would appear that the Transport Minister thinks so.

New ADI Stampede Imminent?

Elephant, TheI’ve mentioned a few times recently that I am expecting a rush of people trying to become ADIs this year. The recession is showing no signs of letting up, and many people are losing their jobs as their employers go to the wall. For many, self-employment is the only chance they have of working. I’m already seeing a few signs of increased interest in the job.

I’ve also said that – in my opinion – people becoming instructors doesn’t significantly affect the amount of work available. I mean, it’s obvious that at some point there could be too many instructors, but I don’t think we’ve ever hit that point (except possibly in a few depressed areas of the country).

So why are so many existing ADIs suffering or even giving up the job? In my opinion, it’s down to a complex mixture of poor marketing, bad advice, and greed.

I saw a magnetic sign on the side of a Hackney Cab today. It was advertising a local driving school – probably a one-man band, like most of us are – and it said:

5 lessons for £50

Lessons £16 an hour

I’ve seen the school car a few times and thought nothing of it. It’s not a banger or anything, and looks like it’s leased or owned. And I saw another ad in a takeaway a couple of days ago that said:

4 lessons £40.01

Yes, it did have the 0.01! I didn’t see what the normal hourly rate was, but you can be reasonably sure it wasn’t more than £20.

When someone becomes an ADI they have a choice of joining a franchise or going solo. Those who are genuinely not clear about which path to take are often given very bad advice by established ADIs who have issues with franchises. Many of these will have started out on a franchise of some sort, but once they were established they went solo. However, for some inexplicable reason, they try to persuade new ADIs to go solo right at the start!

Other newly-qualified instructors are just greedy, and reason that if they are doing 40 hours of lessons a week then paying a franchiser a fee of between £100-£200 is money they could have in their pockets. The difficult part, though, is getting those 40 hours. As a new ADI, it’s like taking up football for the first time and then expecting to get picked for England against Holland next month. It doesn’t happen.

This is where the bad marketing kicks in. In order to try and get the 40 hours they have to advertise, and since they’re not the only ones in the market for pupils, they need a hook. The hook is lower prices. But then, the problem is simply that even if they could get anywhere near 40 hours, every £1 they knock off their lesson rates is another 2 hours of lessons they need to do just to remain where they are. The fact that they don’t get 40 hours – many are lucky to be doing half that, and yet their original business plan demanded that they get around 40 hours at a full hourly rate – just compounds the issue.

Now, I charge £23 an hour for learner lessons, and I calculate that my pre-tax profit from that must work out to somewhere between £12-£15 an hour (very approximately). Someone charging £16 an hour, with similar overheads, would be making between £5-£8 an hour pre-tax, which would fall still further when the “5 for £50” lessons are factored in. Then there’s the advertising outlay (Lord knows how much it costs to have an advert stuck on a taxi), and the likelihood that it will be ineffective.

Slapping an A5 flyer in the local Chinese or Indian takeaway doesn’t fill diaries. Nor does sticking the equivalent on the side of a taxi. Neither can keep diaries full. At best, it gets a couple of pupils. Usually, it gets none.

Of course, I appreciate that in some areas the going lesson rate is low, but around here there’s no such issue, and someone advertising £16 lessons is only doing it to try and get work. In fact, he will have to be doing 30% more lessons than me just to make the same profit – and yet he’s doing this because he’s probably working 50% less hours and desperately needs to fix it! The same undercutting is happening on a pro rata basis everywhere. £7 an hour is a hell of a price to pay to – at best – tread water.

Finally, those lower profits enhance the need to cut costs, which will inevitably affect the lesson quality (less driving to save fuel expenditure). This, in turn, affects reputation, and that prevents referrals and can easily lead to loss of pupils, who know when they’re being taken for a ride.

This is where I think the problem lies. How long can newcomers survive with rising costs in this recession, when they’re on their own without a pupil base, and are charging £7 less than the going rate? Yet still you hear advice about going it alone!

Speaking personally, I’ve got a good pupil base and good referrals – and it took time to build that up. I’ve been doing a minimum of about 25-30 hours (except in the snow last year) and a maximum of 50 hours (once) throughout 2011. My average seems to be between 33-37 hours, and 2012 looks set to continue the same way.

Unfortunately, those charging silly prices couldn’t run a viable business even if they had the same level of work as me! The costs involved in running a driving school ensure that.