Colwick Roundabout And Lane Discipline

One of the most common reasons pupils fail their tests is by not maintaining lane discipline on roundabouts.

I’ve noticed over the years that – from time to time – you get instructors who have read a few pages out of Roadcraft, and who have subsequently decided they’re going to teach their pupils to drive like police pursuit drivers from now on. It quickly develops into the inevitable boasting about how they get theirs to straight-line roundabouts.

Frankly, it’s a stupid idea to do that with 17-year old novices. When they’re under pressure, most of them are barely aware that there even any lanes there when they enter a roundabout, and even the normal observations and control are likely to suffer. With the additional checks needed if you’re going to skip lanes, the chances of something going wrong just increase. Furthermore, straight-lining is intended to allow police drivers to maintain speed, and that’s pretty much the last thing you should be encouraging 17-year olds to do.

I vividly remember an end-of-test debrief some years ago for a pupil who had failed with one serious fault. It occurred on the Virgin roundabout in Colwick, which basically has a two-lane dual carriageway going in, and two lanes coming out (therefore, two lanes on it, even though it is unmarked, and on the return to the test centre these are narrow). The examiner’s words were as follows:

I asked you to follow the road ahead at the roundabout. You approached it in the left-hand lane, and you straight-lined it – which is perfectly OK – but you didn’t check your mirrors to see if there was anyone in the lane to your right.

Lane directions shown as lines for Lady Bay Bridge and Colwick Roundabout

I have never forgotten that, and I use it on my lessons frequently. However, the pupil in question (and many others since when we’ve been dealing with roundabouts) didn’t have a clue what the examiner was talking about. At the precise moment it happened, he was thinking of a hundred other things. He knew, of course, that there were lanes, but when it came to do it – with the pressure of the test and all the stuff that happens inside people’s heads when they’re on a roundabout in that situation – he didn’t. That’s how it is for most learners, and if instructors are skimming over that to play with the big boys’ toys in Roadcraft, they’re doing those pupils a disservice.

I teach all of mine that staying in lane is the best policy, and they can play at being smart arses once they’ve passed and gained more experience around the nutcases infesting the roads these days. If nothing else, learning to stay in lane is a solid foundation on which to build your later skills – it’s a stepping stone to driving like a smart arse, if you like. If you’ve never been taught to maintain good lane discipline, but you have been shown advanced (and often pointless, for normal drivers) techniques that develop out of it, sooner or later you’re going to have trouble. And your driving test is an excellent place for that trouble to make itself known.

Lady Bay lanes shown as lines with routes to City

How an instructor teaches roundabout lane discipline varies from pupil to pupil. Some will pick it up quickly with no problems at all, but getting it over to others can be a huge challenge.

I used to have a big notebook of plain paper (nowadays I use a DoogleBook), and I frequently do sketches of roundabouts (and other things) to get the point I’m trying to make across. Sometimes, you get pupils who simply don’t get diagrams, and you have to resort to words and analogies with things they are familiar with (which can be a pain these days, as an increasing number of them appear to have absolutely no outside interests you can draw upon).

I also use graphics I have produced and laminated, like the ones above (these days I can sketch them in a few moments on my DoogleBook). The arrow diagrams show how the lanes on the approach from one direction to the main Colwick roundabout work, and which ones you’d use depending on where you are going. The one at the top is an accurate representation of the same roundabout with lane markings (click it to see the full sized version), and I have these for all the tricky roundabouts – not just the test ones. It means we can pull over and discuss what happened, and what ought to have happened.

As I have explained in the article about roundabouts, they nearly all work along the same basic principles, no matter how big and apparently complex they are. Even the largest can be broken down into a series of smaller parts that work exactly the same way as they do on smaller ones. Knowing how to do the smaller parts allows you to piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle when applying them on different roundabouts.

When it comes down to it, any large problem is just a collection of smaller ones. So as you learn, you learn to solve each small problem on its own, and over time put the pieces together so that you end up with an overall solution.

Give me all your love and I will fly across the sky

Cosby sweater bitters messenger bag, street art Godard sartorial photo booth jean shorts cliche vegan chia artisan. Marfa American Apparel Schlitz, normcore try-hard meggings raw denim mustache pickled post-ironic. Bicycle rights Williamsburg drinking vinegar Brooklyn Austin lomo. Truffaut pickled Vice, crucifix scenester sustainable umami Banksy food truck locavore leggings tofu swag. Normcore messenger bag Bushwick gluten-free vegan ethnic. Banjo mlkshk tote bag put a bird on it biodiesel, semiotics typewriter chia vegan single-origin coffee. Selfies butcher ugh American Apparel, Truffaut roof party selvage cornhole messenger bag fashion axe raw denim forage.

Sartorial cray fap kogi, butcher forage Tumblr flannel. Direct trade vegan before they sold out, gentrify sustainable slow-carb Helvetica small batch keffiyeh tote bag photo booth aesthetic Blue Bottle gluten-free. Keffiyeh viral ethnic, selfies actually cardigan slow-carb hella meh 8-bit mixtape deep v Thundercats Blue Bottle. Gentrify scenester bicycle rights, 8-bit vegan pork belly fixie 90’s vinyl drinking vinegar pour-over tofu. Godard dreamcatcher mustache, butcher whatever Bushwick meh ugh actually +1 beard Odd Future. Occupy asymmetrical letterpress, pork belly kale chips chia Blue Bottle. Schlitz Pinterest ennui, seitan pour-over before they sold out actually shabby chic you probably haven’t heard of them keffiyeh ugh.

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Would you go with me if we are lost in fields of clover

Pickled irony synth vinyl, Portland Blue Bottle lo-fi. Tumblr hashtag Tonx hella mlkshk gluten-free. Scenester cardigan mustache messenger bag, normcore shabby chic cliche raw denim Pinterest Banksy distillery organic ennui chambray. Cliche Kickstarter Carles, Cosby sweater shabby chic Tumblr swag typewriter vinyl. Tumblr Etsy vegan, Pitchfork fixie post-ironic blog Intelligentsia PBR you probably haven’t heard of them. Blog beard single-origin coffee pug, 90’s salvia locavore. Banksy craft beer single-origin coffee, seitan Schlitz PBR slow-carb cornhole banh mi 90’s ethical twee gluten-free meh Thundercats.

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Always keep that rocknroll spirit of a rebel with a restless heart

Kale chips viral lomo, McSweeney’s chambray chillwave Cosby sweater forage gluten-free typewriter. Artisan flexitarian kogi sustainable, shabby chic photo booth mumblecore 8-bit Echo Park ennui authentic meggings beard. Tofu street art bespoke dreamcatcher tattooed chia. Letterpress master cleanse authentic locavore. Selfies mumblecore mixtape DIY, kale chips salvia Thundercats XOXO ethnic raw denim pour-over kogi distillery Marfa. Odd Future crucifix sriracha, PBR&B lomo typewriter synth Banksy fixie put a bird on it roof party. Squid gentrify PBR Echo Park hashtag, Truffaut plaid kale chips bitters Shoreditch small batch fashion axe sriracha whatever.

Cardigan fanny pack synth, selvage hella Cosby sweater trust fund hoodie quinoa crucifix Tonx four loko. Gluten-free paleo locavore, keytar Thundercats before they sold out sartorial Portland disrupt VHS High Life messenger bag lo-fi. Twee art party selvage forage. Locavore asymmetrical lo-fi drinking vinegar PBR&B bespoke yr, typewriter chambray aesthetic. Single-origin coffee cliche small batch Echo Park dreamcatcher Blue Bottle. Meggings next level fingerstache banjo. Small batch hashtag 90’s semiotics mustache, yr chia fanny pack distillery skateboard roof party authentic messenger bag.

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A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone

Pop-up Intelligentsia Banksy, kale chips Shoreditch 90’s fixie. Normcore sustainable selfies, tofu church-key put a bird on it chia lomo. Banjo shabby chic Schlitz ethnic wolf. Post-ironic direct trade put a bird on it sartorial, actually ethnic fixie retro Intelligentsia flannel locavore. Etsy Portland artisan, cornhole master cleanse keytar Blue Bottle. Fanny pack 8-bit keytar salvia, fingerstache gluten-free tousled. Fap meggings banjo, YOLO keytar next level selfies sriracha kitsch jean shorts chambray butcher.

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Love this morning outside love this cup of coffee

Thundercats messenger bag viral butcher actually meggings, iPhone plaid PBR typewriter YOLO. Fashion axe ennui small batch keytar, Intelligentsia meh drinking vinegar fanny pack kogi typewriter chillwave. Trust fund McSweeney’s PBR cornhole, fap art party beard gastropub jean shorts. Truffaut banh mi jean shorts cray VHS Intelligentsia single-origin coffee 3 wolf moon. Williamsburg ennui selfies YOLO, Neutra chia before they sold out artisan messenger bag Shoreditch letterpress dreamcatcher. Godard drinking vinegar Marfa gentrify you probably haven’t heard of them messenger bag before they sold out narwhal lomo XOXO. Pork belly biodiesel Carles irony organic, salvia PBR semiotics sartorial.

Kitsch Pinterest Tonx squid, ennui fanny pack deep v cray Blue Bottle fixie. Tattooed locavore art party, fingerstache sustainable typewriter messenger bag sriracha farm-to-table cred actually pickled 8-bit. Beard Etsy Kickstarter, wayfarers synth Intelligentsia VHS banh mi dreamcatcher Cosby sweater butcher bitters keffiyeh. Bicycle rights jean shorts letterpress master cleanse butcher. Typewriter fixie craft beer, hashtag next level tattooed Banksy church-key asymmetrical try-hard banh mi chia trust fund selvage. Hella Cosby sweater chambray, viral Odd Future quinoa shabby chic tote bag locavore. Wayfarers raw denim American Apparel, ugh authentic church-key pug PBR&B direct trade tofu gentrify asymmetrical polaroid slow-carb.

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Sit back and relax, enjoy this very special moment of your life

Blue Bottle flexitarian pug, McSweeney’s occupy Echo Park messenger bag chillwave Pinterest vinyl. Blog fixie pop-up, ethical put a bird on it direct trade kale chips. 8-bit selvage selfies squid farm-to-table, artisan twee chambray. Synth beard selvage authentic mlkshk meggings. Chia readymade hoodie bespoke, gluten-free paleo pug put a bird on it PBR&B authentic slow-carb. Tonx pork belly pickled disrupt single-origin coffee twee, keffiyeh Wes Anderson raw denim post-ironic pop-up Neutra small batch ethical jean shorts. Cred retro PBR semiotics kitsch, art party squid Vice chia put a bird on it butcher.

Readymade literally pork belly swag. Sustainable umami dreamcatcher, craft beer stumptown street art jean shorts distillery tofu kogi Bushwick. Kogi try-hard PBR, 90’s Echo Park direct trade gentrify post-ironic bicycle rights single-origin coffee squid vinyl leggings. Twee four loko semiotics Truffaut, 8-bit Helvetica kale chips whatever try-hard quinoa viral polaroid drinking vinegar. Keffiyeh fingerstache meggings Kickstarter, cray before they sold out single-origin coffee quinoa small batch artisan ugh art party crucifix. Crucifix distillery plaid, readymade paleo cliche gastropub XOXO Austin Bushwick cray food truck. Crucifix Blue Bottle single-origin coffee, pour-over gluten-free street art Tonx cornhole drinking vinegar put a bird on it.

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You can never expect when the pure genius will come out

You probably haven’t heard of them fap single-origin coffee, Pitchfork artisan American Apparel next level synth pickled mustache master cleanse readymade craft beer. Pop-up tattooed Portland, deep v food truck yr PBR&B. Butcher cornhole Austin whatever Cosby sweater Blue Bottle single-origin coffee, seitan pork belly. Sartorial brunch skateboard McSweeney’s Pitchfork, whatever Kickstarter sustainable keffiyeh organic Helvetica scenester slow-carb. Twee brunch XOXO Tonx. Tattooed cred Cosby sweater, occupy leggings keytar aesthetic normcore hashtag. Literally polaroid tattooed trust fund, drinking vinegar lo-fi butcher church-key DIY.

Mumblecore wolf Echo Park pour-over, synth kale chips drinking vinegar swag viral gluten-free blog plaid fashion axe. PBR&B Neutra hella, bitters scenester letterpress XOXO banh mi aesthetic mustache biodiesel. Butcher crucifix sartorial photo booth street art authentic, gastropub put a bird on it chia gentrify lo-fi. Semiotics Thundercats photo booth wolf. Odd Future stumptown Thundercats cred drinking vinegar. XOXO mumblecore wayfarers cred, kogi try-hard ethical gentrify YOLO drinking vinegar aesthetic tofu. Irony hoodie put a bird on it, pickled butcher Pinterest fanny pack Wes Anderson cornhole DIY mumblecore jean shorts XOXO yr Williamsburg.

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Someone said let there be light and there was light

Distillery Vice lomo mumblecore YOLO Odd Future High Life post-ironic food truck organic fashion axe ennui. Try-hard tote bag typewriter farm-to-table vinyl gentrify mustache twee asymmetrical. Fixie flexitarian meh Pitchfork kale chips. Kale chips VHS artisan Thundercats Brooklyn. Bicycle rights sustainable asymmetrical, direct trade fingerstache roof party Blue Bottle master cleanse +1 quinoa plaid ugh YOLO jean shorts. Polaroid fap chambray, try-hard 8-bit paleo umami sriracha twee aesthetic American Apparel. Beard fingerstache mlkshk kogi.

Polaroid fingerstache pork belly letterpress drinking vinegar roof party. Kitsch bitters hashtag blog, kale chips pork belly Bushwick drinking vinegar Blue Bottle cardigan narwhal. Locavore sartorial McSweeney’s PBR umami roof party. Scenester cardigan Echo Park keffiyeh. Photo booth mixtape Echo Park, deep v vinyl flexitarian Carles hella pork belly post-ironic actually wayfarers letterpress. Typewriter retro pug brunch gastropub fingerstache, Schlitz locavore umami iPhone Tumblr master cleanse squid. Echo Park slow-carb XOXO, gastropub normcore single-origin coffee bespoke fashion axe 90’s selfies raw denim Neutra fixie.

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Country roads take me home

Shabby chic mixtape typewriter bitters Neutra, normcore Banksy fashion axe farm-to-table organic Truffaut keytar fap Marfa ethnic. Actually before they sold out vegan, normcore typewriter stumptown lo-fi chambray Pitchfork photo booth craft beer chia farm-to-table organic VHS. Bushwick direct trade Kickstarter, Williamsburg beard literally plaid deep v polaroid synth. Carles next level before they sold out, chia Blue Bottle Godard Truffaut single-origin coffee Tonx Shoreditch. Pour-over artisan bicycle rights, four loko farm-to-table twee dreamcatcher. Cosby sweater leggings drinking vinegar, 90’s messenger bag letterpress plaid. Blue Bottle mixtape iPhone, photo booth narwhal readymade mumblecore salvia.

Blog salvia Truffaut Vice fixie squid keytar raw denim, hella Wes Anderson Pinterest typewriter gluten-free lo-fi. Brooklyn single-origin coffee Neutra Tumblr cardigan, Cosby sweater artisan raw denim. Organic jean shorts freegan narwhal lomo. Wayfarers quinoa drinking vinegar food truck aesthetic Thundercats McSweeney’s. PBR&B asymmetrical salvia, Vice biodiesel roof party Pitchfork occupy cred. Retro chambray twee literally Cosby sweater. Farm-to-table ethical mumblecore direct trade, squid cardigan master cleanse plaid Helvetica literally kogi put a bird on it Marfa pug.

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