So You Passed Your Part 3! What Now?

I originally wrote this back in 2013, but it has become popular recently (late 2022).

Someone found the blog on the term “I just passed my ADI part 3 and don’t know what to do next”.

It’s also a common question on the forums, alongside “should I become an ADI? – which I explain in great detail here. The stock answer from the illuminati is that you shouldn’t do it, quickly followed by various diatribes about franchises, how you should strike out on your own and not pay any money to anyone else for either your training or your workload. But you don’t want to hear that, nor should you have to – you’ve passed your Part 3 and you want to know how to move forward.

Let’s get a few things straight. People have failed at this job since the dawn of time. That’s because if you can’t get the work (i.e. turnover) then you’ll simply go under. That was as true 20 or 30 years ago as it is now. The only thing that’s different is that it is perhaps a little harder to get the work these days – not only because there are more ADIs around (though this is less of a problem than the illuminati would have everyone think), but also because those that are already doing the job are offering silly prices, and also that many new learners tend to go for established, recommended, or easily found instructors or schools.

Running any business is very straightforward. All you need is a) products to sell, and b) customers who want to buy them. It’s no different running a driving school – by passing Part 3 you have your product, but the trick now is finding customers to sell it to.

The information you get from forums (superseded by social media nowadays) is highly misleading. That’s because few ADIs will ever be open and honest about how difficult it was to get started, or how difficult it is to remain in business. Most haven’t got a clue how well they are actually doing at it, even when they’re doing badly. Over the years I’ve watched many of them claim to be setting the world on fire, only to watch them go through not having enough work, having too little work, thinking of becoming bus drivers, and finally… becoming bus drivers! And yet those same people will still advise you to do what they did and start out completely independent, even though it clearly hasn’t worked for them.

They’ll claim to have gone independent from the moment they passed Part 3 (which in some cases is a plain lie), got a full diary within weeks (which is usually a massive exaggeration), and say they have a “waiting list” of several months (which is just nonsense, because if someone wants to start taking lessons they aren’t going to hang around until you become free). Even if there were ADIs who genuinely did do all that they claim in the timeframe they mention (and in the here and now – not 30 years ago), the simple truth is that for 99.9% of all other ADIs it was harder and took much longer.

A lot of people ask me for advice, and this is what I tell them.

Go for it!

You passed your Part 3 after spending all that money on training. Now go and make a success out of it – because it IS possible.

Know your financial targets

No rocket science here. Know how much you need to earn (as distinct from how much you’d like to earn), and work from there. Don’t plan on getting a full diary from Day One – you’ll only end up disappointed. Success is about making a living and not about working 60 hours a week. Of course, if you do get a full diary and end up working 60 hours a week, treat it as a huge bonus.

Check local AA lesson prices

Being a national school, the AA’s prices are a useful barometer. If the standard hourly rate for your area is £28 or more then you are likely to be able to get work. If the AA rate is less than that then you may have more difficulty finding work and will have to allow a little extra time for your plan to dominate the world.

Franchise or independent?

If you need to pay bills you would have to be insane to rule out joining a franchise – at least in the beginning. If you can generate all your own work, being independent is easily the cheapest option. However, all those failed and struggling ADIs out there thought that they could generate the work, too. It isn’t that easy.

How do I advertise myself?

One way or another it will cost you. It’ll cost you time, and it will cost you money. Unless you have plenty of both to spare, a franchisor will be able to spend the money more effectively and will likely be able to obtain a better return on the investment than you could achieve on your own. You can use your time on a franchise to improve your reputation and brand image, and then cut the apron strings when you think you’re ready. That might take anything up to several years – but at least you’ll be growing your business.

So I can do that myself, right?

In theory, yes you can. But as I have already pointed out, the job market is full of failed ADIs who were absolutely convinced that they – for the first time in recorded history – would do something no other ADI has ever managed (though many have attempted), and corner the entire market whilst simultaneously sending all franchises to hell. Honestly, just about every new ADI thinks in terms of hanging on to all that lovely money from their pupils. That’s why you’re asking this question in the first place, because a little voice inside your head is advising you to pocket every penny without any consideration for how you will actually get those pennies. You can spend hundreds – even thousands – of pounds on advertising and get absolutely no work out of it as a result. If you can afford to gamble with failure like that, by all means go ahead – but you have been warned.

Big franchise or little franchise?

Ultimately, getting work all comes down to advertising. Even the smallest of local franchises will probably be able to advertise more effectively than a solo ADI could. As the size of the school increases, the amount they spend also increases – but so does the return on that spend. The large national and semi-national schools can produce hard-hitting campaigns which attract a lot of interest.

Are there any guarantees?

Absolutely not. A franchisor cannot guarantee work anymore than a solo ADI can guarantee it. However, it is fair to say that if a large franchisor is having difficulties, anyone trying to operate independently in the same area will likely be having it worse. So conversely, in a more realistic climate where there is work to be had, the franchisor will probably have more success getting it than the average solo instructor.

Undercutting gets me more work, right?

In theory, yes. In practice, no – and it also reduces your profits. You see, it’s all very well knocking a few pennies off the lesson rate and playing the supermarket game of labelling things at £29.95 instead of £30, but what happens when everyone is doing it and you have to drop down to maybe £23.95 in order to distinguish your product? Because then you’ll be earning up to £7 less for each lesson, and since you’ll have done it in the first place because you’re not getting enough hours in, you’ll have cut your turnover by around 25%. And I can assure you that any work you do attract will not offset that lost income. At best, you’ll simply end up doing more work for less money. Go down this path and you’re well on the road to ruin.

But don’t pupils want cheap lessons?

Oh yes. People would like cheap everything – until they actually get it, and then they realise that below a certain threshold you get exactly what you pay for. You see, the going rate for lessons which provide value for money for all those concerned IS around £30 per hour. At that price, the instructor can deliver a good lesson. As soon as you start chipping away at that the first thing to suffer is the instructor’s income. In order to rectify that – and in the face of probably still not getting enough new work to counteract the reduced prices – the instructor has to reduce his business overheads, and the largest overhead (apart from the car) is undoubtedly fuel costs.

What’s in a name?

Cutting fuel costs means doing less driving, and that means slower learning. And since pupils aren’t stupid, many will twig early on that they’re being held back – perhaps not deliberately, but still held back – and start looking for another instructor. This time around they’ll think twice about going for a cheap one and opt for a larger local or national school. And many first-time learners think like that right from the start and choose a big name – often on the strength of mum or dad’s advice. So there is quite a lot in a name.

Is it worth it?

If you put the hours in and can afford to be patient, yes. Definitely. But you aren’t going to get very far if this is going to be your main source of income and you are planning to do every school run for your own kids, or not work evenings or weekends, and so on. Even when you’re busy, maybe doing 30-40 hours a week, work can drop to below 20-25 hours the next week just like that due to test passes or cancellations. It can then take anything from days to months to creep back up again – it depends on all sorts of factors that are totally beyond your control. It’s the price you pay for being self-employed.

But how much can I earn?

The sums are quite simple, and depend on how many hours of lessons you can deliver. Let’s assume that it will cost you £100 a week just to keep a car on your driveway (and it WILL cost about that for a half decent car, no matter what the illuminati try and tell you).

If you do a fixed 20 hours of lessons at £30 an hour you will turn over £600, less the cost of the car and about £130 for fuel. That will earn you about £18,000 a year before tax.

You can pro rata that calculation for any number of worked hours as long as you increase the fuel allowance accordingly.

However, there is no way you can just dial up your working hours – you might get 40 one week, then 20 for the next couple of months. and dial up a salary like that. As I have already said, you could have 40 hours one week (I’ve had over 50 hours a few times), and then see it fall to less than 25 hours for reasons totally out of your control the next. Once you’re established, you will probably average about 30 hours per week in a typical year.

Franchise costs vary. In some cases, you provide your own car and then pay the franchisor to have their livery and advertising work done for you. In others, you pay a franchisor to supply a car and everything else apart from the fuel. If you took out a franchise with a big school like the AA, you’d be paying up to £200 a week for the car, so that annual before-tax wage for 20 hours would be about £14,000.

Don’t look down your nose at franchises! I’ve tried to make it clear that the theoretical £19,000 for 20 hours depends on everything working perfectly. The chances are you wouldn’t get anywhere near as many hours by yourself when you first qualify are remote, so £14,000 is not to be sniffed at.

The bottom line

Consider starting out on a franchise until you learn the ropes. Don’t dismiss the option outright, otherwise you may not be in the game in a year’s time (just like the people who are advising you to go solo now). Once you can let go, do it. But only go independent when you’re certain you can stand on your own feet. Do it too soon and you’ll likely end up throwing all the hard work involved in getting your badge down the drain.

Sigur Rós @ Nottingham Arena

Some years ago there was a cable channel called Classic FM. It was right at the end of the block of music channels on my Sky receiver at the time, and every night before I went to sleep I’d start at MTV, and scroll through every channel trying to find something interesting to listen to. I have a very low annoyance threshold where rap and r’n’b is concerned – it’s set at about zero on my annoyance-o-meter – so I would usually end up on Classic FM within about 15 seconds unless I found some rock music, which was rare (even Kerrang was playing bloody rap, which serves it right now it has gone belly up).

Anyway, there were a few artists which caught my attention back then. Sigur Rós was one of them. The music was haunting, and the accompanying videos made it more so. Take a look at this YouTube video for Glósóli and you’ll see what I mean.

I decided that I would definitely go and see them if I got the chance. Well, on Wednesday night I did. And I wasn’t disappointed.

Sigur Rós come from Iceland and are often classed as “post-rock” – which basically means they use sounds and minimalist vocals to a large extent. However, they have developed it to such a degree that quite a few of their songs have been used in soundtracks to various TV shows and adverts because they are not just discordant noise – like many early post-rock bands’ songs were – but coherent and complete. The fact that they’re from Iceland – and if you remember Björk or her original band, The Sugarcubes, you’ll know what I mean – means they’re a little bit off the wall. “Artsy” would be one word you could use to define them.

This was reflected a little by the audience. Anyone who reads any of my reviews about gigs I’ve been to will know that I do a bit of people-watching, and in this case I’ve never come across a crowd like it. It’s hard to explain, but I’ve never seen so many people wearing woolly hats with ear flaps indoors before. Nor have I seen so many people sitting on the floor eating packed lunches at a gig before. With one or two exceptions – and by that, I mean one or two people – the end of every song was met with polite applause and nothing more. But they were well-behaved and there was very little barging (that’s where you get a decent spot, watch the support act, only to have a load of latecomers try and get to the front when the main act is due to come on).Sigur Ros at Nottingham Arena, 2013

In total, there were 11 musicians on the stage, though Sigur Rós technically only consist of three members these days. This is because they make use of strings and brass, with the core members playing bass, guitar/vocals, and drums. However, the supporting artists also provided additional vocals, keyboards, guitars, and percussion.

The setlist was as follows:

  • Yfirborð
  • Vaka
  • Brennisteinn
  • Glósóli
  • Stormur
  • Hrafntinna
  • Sæglópur
  • Varúð
  • Hoppípolla
  • Með Blóðnasir
  • Rafstraumur
  • Kveikur
  • Festival


  • Svefn-g-englar
  • Popplagið
  • Avalon

Every song was played faultlessly. Their music is very deep and multi-layered and you can lose yourself in it very easily. That’s what I used to do when I watched it on Classic FM – I could fall asleep to it (and I mean that in a good way).Sigur Ros at Nottingham Arena, 2013

At the beginning of the set the stage was enclosed by a thin curtain, and this was used to good effect as visuals were projected on to it – so instead of the usual rear-projection (which they used later), you had a sort of front-projection. It added to the atmosphere immensely.Sigur Ros at Nottingham Arena, 2013

Having said that, because it had to be released at some point (and I didn’t know if that would happen at the start), the support band – I Break Horses – played behind it, so you couldn’t see them too well. A bit of a shame, but they still sounded OK.

Anyway, it was a good concert and I’ll definitely watch out for them touring again.

All rounded off with a nice curry, this time at Chutney on Maid Marian Way. I was a bit wary of trying a new one – but I didn’t fancy walking all the way up to the Mogal-e-Azam, so this one is now on the “most favoured” list.

Test Pass: 19/11/2013

TickWell done Peter, who passed first time on Tuesday with just 2 driver faults. He recently became a father, so now he can drive his son around without relying on his wife.

This one was at Beeston – I’ve done several from there recently – and while I was there this time I accidentally discovered that they have a nice little cafe hidden round the back which does all kinds of hot food from a small kitchen. All of a sudden, Beeston isn’t as uncomfortable as it previously seemed (and they have a coffee machine that does decent coffee for only 40p).

Test Pass: 18/11/2013

TickWell done Paula, who passed on Monday first time, with just 4 driver faults. Her dad had phoned me the night before because he’d taken her out and she’d had a stinker of a lesson with him (stalling and not looking). Yet she’d been perfectly OK with me the same afternoon, and none of the things he mentioned had happened when she’d been out with me on any lesson, let alone the last one before her test.

I discovered after her test – from her dad again – that she apparently always fails at things and that this had done her confidence a power of good. There are all kinds of things that can be read into that, but I’ll just take the positive ones from it.

Sixth Cyclist Killed In London In Two Weeks

I started writing this a few days ago, when the headlines were trumpeting that a FIFTH cyclist in a week had been killed after being involved in a collision with a bus in Whitechapel. I’ve had to edit it now, as another story (from Camberwell) now informs us that the tally has risen to SIX in two weeks. And I’ve had to edit it again now that Boris Johnson is beginning to see sense and realise that – shock, horror – the problem might not actually lie quite so completely with the motorist at all.

After the fifth fatality, Nick Clegg – aka Minnie Mouse in our Mickey Mouse government – called for cyclists’ “superhighways” to physically separate cyclists from traffic. Yes, Minnie – sorry, Nick – they’re known as “cycle paths” here on Planet Earth, and many cyclists – particularly those belonging to the Militant Spandex Morons Wing – refuse to use them (usually in order to show other road users that they can’t be told where they can and can’t ride). This is the mentality of the people involved, unfortunately (and as I’ve said before, I’ve ridden with them, and I see them daily, and I know that this is true for many of them).

When are people going to get it into their thick skulls that cyclists and motor vehicles don’t mix, and nothing anyone can realistically do will prevent such injuries if we continue to encourage the unholy alliance that has been borne out of the Olympics and two Tour de Frances?

In spite of what the Militants would have everyone believe – on pain of prosecution for disagreeing with them, of course – roads are for motor vehicles. They are not for prats in Spandex who think they are Bradley Wiggins, and who appear to inject testosterone every morning in order to develop just the right amount of anger and attitude needed to “do a 10k” to work. Earlier today, I was parked up reading some texts when one went by muttering angrily to himself about something (possibly it was directed at me, since it’s quite common to hear this as they push themselves along inappropriate roads at speed (as an aside, you may remember Emma Way – the girl who tweeted that she’d knocked a cyclist over. She has been found not guilty of careless driving)).

What makes the first London story especially irritating is that Boris Johnson is quoted:

There’s no question of blame or finger-pointing. That doesn’t work in these circumstances.

No, Boris. That’s because in this particular case the Finger of Blame isn’t pointing at the trucker. If there was even the slightest indication that the hapless driver was at fault, the Finger of Blame would be already turning the key in the remand cell door lock! And in that same story, there is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog as some dipstick is already banging on about banning HGVs in London “during rush hour”. He hasn’t considered that “rush hour” in London is a nebulous thing that can last anywhere from 6am until after midnight depending on what has happened on the M25 and other major roads in and around the City.Cyclist warning sign on a lorry

Many lorries have carried warning signs like the one above for a long time now. And yet cyclists continue to ignore them. The Militants can argue all they like, but in yet another example I experienced tonight, I was at the Nottingham Knight roundabout during busy rush hour. The busy A52 crosses this, and the road I was on has one straight ahead lane (on the right), and two left turn lanes. You have to look for gaps and take your chances confidently – which I did, only to discover that some complete wanker in Spandex had pulled up into one of the left turn lanes and actually tried to cut me up!

Let’s get this in perspective: he was in the wrong lane, and he tried to cut ME up – during rush hour… on a 60/70mph road junction!

There was absolutely no reason for me to suspect he would be there, and he damned nearly got knocked off. I had to move into the inside lane nearest the roundabout prior to exit and then cut back over. And I nearly crapped myself when I noticed him as I initially accelerated away. A large proportion of cyclists are total prats like this guy, and I’d confidently bet that this particular one was a fully paid up Militant. God knows why anyone would be so stupid as to try and ride across the Nottingham Knight roundabout on a bicycle in the first place, unless it was just to show that they can.

The latest two London deaths both involved cyclists colliding with lorries. For the record, the other four cases can be summarised:

5 November – Mile End Road – cyclist in collision with a tipper truck

11 November – Central London – cyclist in collision with a coach

12 November – Croydon – cyclist in collision with a bus

13 November – Bow Roundabout – cyclist in collision with a lorry

A total of 14 cyclists have been killed in London so far this year, and nine of those involved lorries (at least two of the others involved buses or coaches, which are basically lorries with a posh top, but which don’t figure in the media stats because they’re protected by virtue of their “greenness”). The Bow story also mentions a separate incident around the same time where a cyclist was injured after colliding with a truck. Likewise, the Camberwell story also mentions a separate non-fatal incident at around the same time involving a cyclist colliding with a lorry.

I’m sure many people will be aware of the parable of The Emperor’s New Clothes. Well, politicians like Peter John (leader of Southwark Council) clearly aren’t when they call for HGVs to be banned during rush hour. The latest accident in Camberwell happened at lunch time (as did the one in Croydon) – nowhere near the official “rush hour”. Lorries and rush hour are NOT the common denominators here. Cyclists are.

The Bow story contains a telling few words. I’ve quoted them here:

The London Cycling Campaign (LCC) held a protest at the roundabout on Wednesday evening… the gathered cyclists also circled the roundabout slowly on their bikes.

You can see that many of these people simply aren’t normal. Apart from riding around aggressively with cameras strapped to their heads in order to stir things up as they see fit (and you just have to look on a few of their websites to see that that’s exactly what they wear these cameras for), they happily engage in militant traffic-disruption of this nature. For normal people, if someone is killed in a road accident they may go and lay some flowers at the roadside, carefully parking up somewhere so they can walk the last short distance. But for cyclists it’s different. They have to block the road on purpose and turn the whole thing into a quasi-politico-religious event. If it wasn’t for the 21st Century skyline, you’d be forgiven for thinking you were watching a bunch of Neolithic cave people celebrating the solstice.

Cyclists are their own worst enemies. The vast majority have no road sense whatsoever (like the “expert” I had to avoid tonight, and you can read between the lines for yourself in the Emma Way case), and of those that do they have such a piss-poor attitude that it overrides anything else. A perfect illustration of this was on the BBC Breakfast News in the wake of the fifth London fatality. They had a militant cyclist up in the Glasgow studio giving his opinion, and they showed a video that he had apparently taken on the Bat-Cam in his helmet where he was nearly wiped out by a lorry as he negotiated a roundabout.

What they didn’t discuss was how fast he had entered the roundabout in the first place, with no sign of slowing down, and quite possibly with no intention of “giving way” to anything. They didn’t discuss how difficult it is for lorries to stop – especially when they are fully laden, and especially if they’re confronted with a fast-moving idiot on a bicycle. And they didn’t discuss whether he’d actually seen the lorry in the first place. I mean, let’s be honest here. If you are a pasty white meat-bag held together with Spandex, and riding a bike that weighs only a few kilogrammes, you need your bloody head examining if you deliberately race on  to a roundabout with a lorry coming at you – and that applies whether you’re wearing your Bat Cape and stupid helmet with integral camera or not. Because if anything goes wrong – like it nearly did in the case of the guy on Breakfast News, and like it could have done with me tonight – you’re going to get splattered. Not the lorry or car. But YOU. It doesn’t matter who’s right and who’s wrong if you end up in the morgue.

The Highway Code says:


Cycle Routes and Other Facilities. Use cycle routes, advanced stop lines, cycle boxes and toucan crossings unless at the time it is unsafe to do so. Use of these facilities is not compulsory and will depend on your experience and skills, but they can make your journey safer.


You MUST obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD reg 10(1)


You MUST NOT cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red. Some junctions have an advanced stop line to enable you to wait and position yourself ahead of other traffic (see Rule 178).
Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 36(1)


On the left. When approaching a junction on the left, watch out for vehicles turning in front of you, out of or into the side road. Just before you turn, check for undertaking cyclists or motorcyclists. Do not ride on the inside of vehicles signalling or slowing down to turn left.


Pay particular attention to long vehicles which need a lot of room to manoeuvre at corners. Be aware that drivers may not see you. They may have to move over to the right before turning left. Wait until they have completed the manoeuvre because the rear wheels come very close to the kerb while turning. Do not be tempted to ride in the space between them and the kerb.


Full details about the correct procedure at roundabouts are contained in (see Rules 184 to 190). Roundabouts can be hazardous and should be approached with care.


You may feel safer walking your cycle round on the pavement or verge. If you decide to ride round keeping to the left-hand lane you should

  • be aware that drivers may not easily see you
  • take extra care when cycling across exits. You may need to signal right to show you are not leaving the roundabout
  • watch out for vehicles crossing your path to leave or join the roundabout.

Give plenty of room to long vehicles on the roundabout as they need more space to manoeuvre. Do not ride in the space they need to get round the roundabout. It may be safer to wait until they have cleared the roundabout.


Do not ride across equestrian crossings, as they are for horse riders only. Do not ride across a pelican, puffin or zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across.


Level crossings/Tramways. Take extra care when crossing the tracks (see Rule 306). You should dismount at level crossings where a ‘cyclist dismount’ sign is displayed.

The problem is that virtually all cyclists contravene at least some of these rules (and more besides). Hand signals are a thing of the past – even if they’re used at all, they’re done badly. The guy in Scotland who was nearly wiped out certainly didn’t decide that it would be “safer to wait” – he just pelted on to the roundabout in front of a lorry which would quite possibly have been unable to stop in time anyway. The prat I encountered today was certainly in the wrong lane and behaving dangerously. You see them riding on busy trunk roads when there is a cycle path less than a metre away from them. And they will skip red traffic lights or ride on to pavements to avoid them at the drop of a hat. They frequently ride more than two abreast – even on narrow country roads – when they’re in full-on testosterone mode, blocking traffic on purpose (and it IS on purpose, believe me). And we’re not talking about a small number of transgressors here. Either through bloody-mindedness or stupidity, a huge number of cyclists behave like this.

And the number of cyclists is growing.

When I’m teaching people to drive, I drum it into them early on that they should plan to stop at junctions and roundabouts, and treat being able to keep moving as a bonus, and only then after they have properly assessed the situation. As a driver, and as an instructor, there is nothing I hate more than going round a roundabout, only to have people pull out in front of me. Even if I don’t physically HAVE to hit the brakes, the fact my foot moves just in case is just as bad. But there are many cases where lorries have already committed themselves before I come into view, and since they weigh up to 40 tonnes they aren’t going to accelerate away very quickly anymore than they’re going to stop in the middle of the roundabout when they see me. So I slow down to let them go.

So why is it that cyclists think they have the right of way in these circumstances?

However, it seems that a modicum of reality is returning to the ridiculous situation created by the Olympics and Tour de France. After two years of idiots who think they’re Greenies trying to introduce some sort of racial cleansing programme against those who say a bad word about cyclists, a few people in high places are starting to see a glimmer of light – which others are still trying hard to extinguish. The third story reports that Boris Johnson has talked of banning headphones for cyclists – clearly implicating them in a number of incidents. The Militants have attacked this as you can imagine.

The simple fact is that if these cyclists weren’t next to the lorries or buses at the time then they wouldn’t have been hit. Now whether that means they were there because they’d ridden badly is open to debate, but since several of these accidents happened on corners it doesn’t take a genius to work out that that is a possibility.

In spite of this – and in spite of the photo shown above – Chris Boardman is now asking for a ban on HGVs.

Mr Johnson said there had to be a “much bigger conversation about HGVs” and the dangers they pose when they turn left.

But he said imposing a peak-time ban risked damaging London companies and creating a “serious influx as soon as the ban is over”.

Boardman is in cloud cuckoo land. Boris Johnson appears to have at last made contact with reality. The only thing that can definitely be said is that cyclists are clearly too stupid to follow rules and safety advice. It’s like putting labels on things like mattresses (e.g. “do not eat”) – except in the case of cyclists, some prat is trying to remove all motor vehicles from the equation.

Restrictions and rules need to be applied to cyclists. Cyclists need to abide by these rules by Law. And we need to stop encouraging cyclists to get on to busy roads. If they want to ride they should go to country parks and do it, or stick to cycle paths. By Law.

Scumbag Jailed For 130mph Death Crash

This is an old story from 2013. It has had a few hits lately, which makes me wonder if Li is out and checking his reputation.

A reader sent me this link. Martin Li, 22, from Hexham was put away for 8 years for various offences associated with the crash.

Lucy Duggan, 18, was a passenger in the car being driven by Li. He reached speeds of 130mph on bends in a 60mph zone and “floored” the accelerator. She was killed as he lost control on a bend and smashed into another car. Two other passengers in Li’s car, and a mother and daughter in the other car were seriously injured.

He could have been put away for much longer. And he should have been. British Law is a complete ass sometimes.

As an aside – and as I mentioned to the reader who sent me the link – in situations like this you have to wonder at the passengers involved to a certain extent. The reader assures me that Miss Duggan was pleading with Li to slow down. However, in all too many cases everyone in the car is having a whale of a time when prats like Li are busy showing off. It is yet another example in support of restricting the engine sizes these dickheads are allowed to drive, and banning them from carrying passengers.

Philippines Typhoon Appeal

I just wanted to provide the link to the DEC appeal concerning the Philippines Typhoon Disaster.

DEC LogoYou can donate in various ways, including via PayPal. You can donate any amount, so don’t be put off by the options presented if you can’t afford those. Every little helps.

The appeal has raised over £13m in less than 24 hours – which dwarfs China’s contribution of about £62,000. In contrast, Japan and Australia have both given over £6m. Britain has pledged about £10m so far. All these latter countries are also providing physical aid.

Over 2,000 people are already confirmed dead, but millions are without housing or food as a result of Typhoon Yolanda. Around 80,000 homes have been totally destroyed. The death toll is less than originally thought, but it is rising by hundreds per hour at the moment.

Donations are completely voluntary, of course.

Test Pass: 4/11/2013

Well done Lynsey, who passed first time (with me) on Monday with just 3 driver faults. I told you there was nothing to worry about.

TickShe’s the one who could break into tears over the smallest mistake or comment. The last three lessons before the test were no exception, either. I also discovered that with the tears comes argumentativeness! I shall remember the conversation about priorities at junctions – after we’d been doing them successfully for months – for a long time. It was like we’d never been in a car before, and I can’t remember the last time I had to terminate a Q&A session with something as autocratic as “Look! I challenge you to find me a junction which is laid out like that in the first place without there being traffic lights to control traffic flow across it”.

Anyway, all sorted now.

Book Your Theory Test Slammed Again By ASA

Over the last year, the ASA has ruled against several scam sites. As I pointed out in that last article a few weeks ago, it is hard to separate them from each other as they all have similar names and employ similar scamming and lying tactics to force people to pay for rip-off services they don’t need.

This weeks ASA rulings have yet again pulled Book Your Theory Test Online Ltd up over deliberately misleading claims. I am assuming it is the same outfit of robbers from the last upheld claim – the word “online” is the only difference, as it is missing from this company title.

When will legislation be introduced to remove these scum permanently?

Google Glass – And So It Begins

This one is appearing in just about every newsfeed imaginable. A woman in California was stopped by police for speeding… Hang on. Let me emphasise Google Glassthat: she was speeding. Breaking the Law by driving too fast.

Anyway, it also appears that she was also driving while wearing a pair of the Google Glass spectacles.

I’ve written about these before. They’re already set to be banned when driving in the UK, although in America the tech media is simply assuming that people will wear them when they’re driving a car and doesn’t seem to have any concerns over this obviously stupid possibility.

As I’ve mentioned before, America is that place where they can’t even agree that texting while you’re driving should be illegal – and that’s in spite of the mounting death toll among young drivers whose genes and upbringing means that they tried it, and lost. Similarly, initial American attempts to ban Google Glass have so far failed – and if they can’t see right at the outset that using them when driving is dangerous, such a law has almost no chance of making it through in future.

The woman involved here, Cecilia Abadie, is clearly a lawbreaker if she was speeding. But this fact seems to have escaped her, and all her supporters on her Google+ page, where she describes herself thus:

Geek, Google Glass Pioneer, Self-Quantifier, Transhumanist, Blogger, Speaker, currently playing with fun new ways to a better self… Passionate about Technology’s Evolution.

In her world, technology is clearly more important than other human beings. Therefore, speeding and watching a computer screen while driving is perfectly acceptable behaviour. But even more frighteningly, she is not alone. One of her supporters says:

I bet that cop was just curious about googleglass  and the ticket was just an excuse to check it out. And these legislators banning the device – have they even tried it? I have used the navigation feature while driving (with no incoming calls or texts of course) and found it much safer than GPS and my smartphone

What an idiot! Another “self-quantifier” who hasn’t got a clue.

Arseing about with anything while you are driving is dangerous. That includes a GPS stuck right in the middle of your field of vision, or one stuck on your face. But her and her supporters appear to be far enough down the evolutionary ladder not to be able to realise this. One jackass is even offering to set up a charity fund to finance her taking it through court (she was stopped primarily for speeding, remember, and I can’t see how Google Glass is going to help her get away with that one).

The real problem is that this is America. And California. And Google is involved. It’s frightening to think that she’ll probably get some judge to agree with her and get a legal precedent set.