DSA Advice: Motorway Lanes

An email alert from the DSA concerning motorway lanes and use:

Rule 265

The right-hand lane of a motorway with three or more lanes MUST NOT be used (except in prescribed circumstances) if you are driving

  • any vehicle drawing a trailer
  • a goods vehicle with a maximum laden weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 7.5 tonnes, which is required to be fitted with a speed limiter
  • a goods vehicle with a maximum laden weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes
  • a passenger vehicle with a maximum laden weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver
  • a passenger vehicle with a maximum laden weight not exceeding 7.5 tonnes which is constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver, which is required to be fitted with a speed limiter.

Another one that not a lot of people know about.

DSA Advice: Hazard Warning Lights

A DSA email alert advises on the use of hazard warning lights:

Rule 116

Hazard warning lights. These may be used when your vehicle is stationary, to warn that it is temporarily obstructing traffic. Never use them as an excuse for dangerous or illegal parking. You MUST NOT use hazard warning lights while driving or being towed unless you are on a motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway and you need to warn drivers behind you of a hazard or obstruction ahead. Only use them for long enough to ensure that your warning has been observed. Law RVLR reg 27

Notice how there’s no mention of BMW X5s and Audis. Drivers of those vehicles are not allowed to stop on yellow lines to go to the shops, either!

Licence To Kill: Update

Following on from the BBC3 show I mentioned a few days ago, a story appeared in The Telegraph. It provides a little extra information and comment.

I mentioned previously that I couldn’t find any specific information relating to Sophie Morgan’s accident, which left her in a wheelchair. In this new story, she states that she was sober having been to a party until 4am, whereupon the group decided to then travel to an “after-party”. They were all “singing loudly” as she misjudged a bend at 70mph and spun off into a field, rolling three times before coming to a stop.

She says:

I often find myself thinking now that, as odd as it sounds, the accident was the best thing that could have happened to me.

I’m not going to go into that side of things too deeply, but you can make up your own mind from what you read in the Telegraph about the party, the times of day involved, and anything else you can glean from the description. All I will say is that the quote above points to very understandable attempts by Ms Morgan to deal with the most life-changing event imaginable in the most positive way possible. She is to be applauded for such a positive outlook, but there is still no denying the obvious mistake Ms Morgan makes in using it as some sort of absolute reference point on which to base her views on driving. It is not absolute – it is highly personal and very skewed.

The article is an extension of Ms Morgan’s current crusade concerning new drivers. Therefore, she refers to the other current BBC show, Barely Legal Drivers, saying that the mistakes being made by those on the programme make her “flinch and squirm”. Well, they make me flinch and squirm, too. However, unlike Ms Morgan, my first consideration is that the people featured on that show have been chosen specifically for TV purposes. They conform to what reality show researchers deem “good TV”, and so are loud, obnoxious, giggly, sexually uninhibited, photogenic (in TV researcher terms, anyway)… and have demonstrably questionable driving skills at the outset, which are exacerbated by all the previous characteristics and an obvious desire to play up to the cameras.

Not all new drivers are like that.

I will repeat something I have said before – something which is not just my opinion, but simply a statement of the way it is. The driving test is just the first step on a lifelong learning curve. It always has been.

When I first passed my test, by definition I was inexperienced. However, the big difference between me (and most other new drivers) and the people featured in the Barely Legal Drivers programme was that I wasn’t full of myself. I wasn’t trying to get my 15 minutes of fame on TV, nor was I playing up to a camera fitted in my car or following me into nightclubs. My aim, each time I went out, was to try and use what I’d learned on my lessons and previous solo journeys and not to hit anyone or anything. Therefore, I drove carefully and succeeded in that aim. While I was doing it, I gained experience, and it explains why I now do the job I do.

But it isn’t just me. Not one of my ex-learners has been involved in a serious accident since passing their tests. A couple have had minor bumps, but there is a world of difference between a low-speed shunt or minor prang and bouncing your car off a tree or embankment and into a field at 70mph in the dead of night – and I’ll come back to that difference later. Now, I have no control over how my ex-pupils choose to drive. In fact, if one of them decided to drive at 70mph on a country lane in the dark with a load of drunk mates, made a mistake, and rolled into a field, it definitely wouldn’t be as a result of something I’d taught them. Nor would it be as a result of something I hadn’t taught them. It would be their own damned fault for being stupid.

The people featured in Licence To Kill do not represent the majority of new drivers – certainly not those I’ve taught, anyway. Of one of those featured, Jayme Mann, Ms Morgan says:

…who was just a year older than me when she was found guilty of careless driving. She, too, was driving at night on an empty rural road, and, like me, was sober and seat-belted when she lost control of her car…

The judge blamed the accident on her lack of driving experience and Jayme confessed to me that she had no idea how to correct the steering mistakes she had made on the dark and wet road that fatal night. That’s because, like me, she had never been taught what to do in those conditions; it is not required to pass the test. I believe this is a terrible mistake.


You see, when we cover the emergency stop, I discuss with all my pupils how to handle a skid. How to steer gently into it, and how to regain control. Skid pan training goes a small step further by allowing people to actually put that into practice. But nothing deals with a frightened rabbit of a new driver, distracted for an endless number of reasons, slamming into a tree and bouncing into a field because they misjudged a dark bend in the middle of the night as a result of driving too fast for their level of experience.

Prevention is better than cure. In fact, prevention is the only sensible way of dealing with it.

Ms Morgan disagrees with government plans to impose more restrictions on new drivers. She says that “restrictions aren’t the most obvious solution”, when the presence of such restrictions would clearly have prevented her own accident (if she’d chosen to abide by them, of course). She then says:

…it is estimated that poor attitude and behaviour contribute to 19 out of 20 crashes. Surely we need to change how we initially learn to drive, so we understand the impact our attitude and behaviour has on our safety?

How on earth does she draw that conclusion? Poor attitude and behaviour are to blame, so improve driver training? What on earth is she talking about?

But it all becomes clear at the end:

I have become an ambassador for Drive iQ, one example of a free online programme specially developed by traffic psychologists which allows students to experience simulated versions of driving in difficult conditions…

I’ve written about DriveIQ before (while they were still a2om, when the latest government proposals were first mooted, and when Ms Morgan first started making ill-informed comments about learning to drive). The pieces of the jigsaw are gradually falling into place, as it appears the those “ill-informed comments” are actually DriveIQ propaganda. Other DriveIQ propaganda includes statements such as:

Traditional driving lessons concentrate on the technical skills needed to pass the test but have failed to evolve to prevent statistics that show 19 out of 20 road accidents are caused by poor attitude and behaviour, not vehicle-handling skills.

Drive iQ was developed to fill the gaping void in the current learning process.

Those two are what Ms Morgan has quoted parrot-fashion. Again, you have to ask the question: if attitude and behaviour are the real problems, and not driving skills, how does playing a simulation where you smash into a tree or a kerb fix that?

In our Drive iQ test, Lauren [a new driver] had failed to recognise the dangers we were in [and “crashed”], despite having passed the test to hold a UK licence. If the situation had been real, Lauren would have helped bolster the shocking statistic that one in five young people crashes in the first six months of driving.

If I had had the opportunity to watch the simulation of a crash like mine play out on a computer screen, my life would have turned out very differently.

I hope anyone reading all this remembers DriveIQ – and the fact that we live in a country with a burgeoning compensation culture – if they have an accident after passing their tests. After all, if you’re going to claim (or allow someone to claim for you) that you’ve discovered the Holy Grail for preventing accidents, you’ve got a hell of a lot to live up to.

A computer simulation will not teach you how to deal with that 3am bend in the dark and wet, when you’re doing 70mph and arguing with someone in the car or trying to send a Tweet to someone on your mobile. You shouldn’t be doing 70mph or using your bloody phone in the first place. And if you’re so stupid that the threat of a ban and prison isn’t enough to stop you, seeing some video nasties – or starring in one via a simulation – isn’t likely to have much effect either.

Get DAB Radio In Your Car

DAB Radio logoI’ve written before that getting DAB radio in my car was one of the best things I have done. At the time, that little Pure Highway served its purpose well. But like most new technology it was consigned to the gadget drawer when I decided to get the DAB radio option in my Ford Focus.

Well, an email has just come from Sandicliffe Ford advising Ford owners who don’t have DAB that they can have it retro fitted for just £199.99 ahead of the planned switch-off of AM/FM stations in the UK. Obviously, this is for people around the East Midlands, though I would imagine dealers in other parts of the country will be offering similar deals.

DAB is a must in a car if you drive more than a handful of miles a week.

BBC3: Licence To Kill

Sophie Morgan, who I mentioned in that last story, was on BBC3 last night in fronting a documentary about fatal road accidents. You can still catch it on iPlayer for the usual limited time.

I started watching it with a very negative mind – Ms Morgan’s attempts (deliberate or otherwise) to try and pin the blame for accidents on poor levels of driving instruction were still fresh. However, it became clear quite early on that the point of this programme was quite different. If anything, it contradicts what Ms Morgan has to say about “training” because it clearly identifies attitude and inexperience as the major causes of accidents.

Ms Morgan went to a boy racer meeting (the “Trafford Motor Cruise”). Interviewing some of the dickheads present, she got quotes such as:

Speed’s like a drug, innit, really?

Are you here for a race?

Yeah! It gets your adrenalin off goin’.

That second one was from a young girl, who looked barely old enough to drive (so still with wet ink on her licence). If you search for that particular “cruise” on Google, you’ll find forum threads with such quotes as this:

hey peeps,

anyone that goes or is interested in going to a well known cruise on the border of eccles and trafford park in manchester just give us a shout back.

i travel down at around 21.30 every friday night, can be anything from 20 to 70 cars there. ANY car is welcome in any condition its mainly to chill and watch races down the straight. theres regularly some Evo’s and Subaru’s going at it as well .

anyone interested in joining ?

its a straight road with a dead end at the bottom, it was basically made for HGV’s to park up on the side to sleep for the night, good surface, makes a good drag strip.

so very legal then…. i hope they dont go over the 30mph limit set down these industrial roads…. i know where you can do 135mph+ legally

course its legal , the police come most weeks, but they dont bother to do anything, too many people really, they just cruise down looking all mean, ask a few questions, then get off again.

they ask stupid questions really, like “what are you doing here” which gets the same answer “just chillin” what else would a load of modded cars be doing together ? racing each other down the big long road ? noooo…dont be silly

Back to the documentary, it was harrowing to see the aftermath of the crashes. But it was also surprising to hear the parents of the motorcyclist who was apparently killed on a “cruise” while driving at speeds approaching those of the Space Shuttle on re-entry – having only had his licence for a year -appearing to defend his behaviour somewhat. His mother said he “never grew up”, and his dad likened him and his motorcycle to a young girl and her horse:

…[It’s like] young girls and horses. What do you do? Do you take the horse off them because they’ve fallen off twice [spreads hands questioningly]…

Unfortunately, it’s not the same thing at all. Not by a million miles. It just illustrates something else I’ve said in various articles on here – that the problems go far deeper and farther back in time than just the individual involved. And by that, I mean that the parents (and society, as it deals with youngsters) are directly responsible for much of this attitude.

At about seventeen and half minutes into the documentary, Ms Morgan says something that I have said again and again:

One in three of all people who die on the roads is under 25. Experts say that that’s because young drivers are more likely to take risks.

But with less experience, they are less able to cope with those risks – especially if something goes wrong.

So, that’s two nails Ms Morgan’s hit on the head. Wrong attitude, and not as good as they think they are. You can’t help note the irony between this conclusion, and that other BBC show – Barely Legal Drivers –  where an ex-cop talks up the most appalling driving to try and find good where none exists.

Although it might seem unfair to pursue this particular line of thinking in the context of this documentary, I have been unable to find out exactly what happened in the case of Ms Morgan’s accident other than the sanitised couple of sentences on the many websites and media stories in which she features. However, in this programme it is made clear that she was speeding, and she openly admits that it was her fault and she was driving badly, and all credit must go to her for that. But in the last 10 minutes she ruins it all by arguing that new drivers need to be trained better! I cannot for the life of me see how she links her own poor judgement and speeding – and that of all the others featured in the programme – with the need for better driver education! Better upbringing, yes. But not better driving tuition.

No amount of skid pan training is going to stop people behaving like prats, and no driving instructor teaches them to behave that way, either. The whole programme screamed out loud that attitude and behaviour were the key issues in all the accidents discussed. Skid pan training might save the bad driver in question – but what about the innocent bystander? Just because you can handle an artificial skid, it doesn’t mean you can handle a real one, nor does it suddenly become OK to drive at 70 in a 30mph zone, and to T-bone someone’s car as they emerge from a side street. Ms Morgan has it all mixed up.

I find it really difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone so engaging and intelligent could draw such wrong conclusions from the data, and I can’t help think that her obvious bitterness about her accident and resulting disability is clouding her judgement. I agree with her that shock tactics might have some value in addressing the issue – in part. I disagree that this value would be as great as she seems to imply. Since time immemorial, young people have generally ignored facts and gone their own way. You see it with smoking, drug use, and behaving stupidly or illegally over all manner of things – and driving is no different. No matter how “shocked” they are at hard-hitting road shows, the majority of those attending such events will fall back to the teenage standard mode of behaviour quite easily. That’s where the problem is rooted. It’s not that these things don’t have a purpose – but we have to be careful not to overstate that purpose.

The programme concludes with Courtney Meppen-Walter being jailed for the the crash which killed two people and left another brain damaged. Again, Ms Morgan suggests that if he’d “better understood the dangers” then it wouldn’t have happened. What is there to “understand” about a 30mph speed limit? Meppen-Walter was doing twice that, and no instructor would ever have told him that was OK. Meppen-Walter knew it was wrong. Ms Morgan further argues that “we’re not preparing people for the roads” – another shot that misses the mark completely by suggesting that training rather than attitude is the issue.

Putting all of that aside, I’m going to use the programme as part of my own training package. If it shocks even one person into behaving properly when they go out on their own then it will have been of value. But nothing I can do will change everyone.

That responsibility lies with the parents and society.

Edit: I have updated this story here.

Crash Driver Appeals For Driving Test Changes

This story first cropped up last November. Well, Sophie Morgan – who I didn’t name at the time out of respect – did. She cropped up again in December in another, related story.

Even back then, the claims she was making were factually incorrect. It is wrong for anyone with such inaccurate information to talk to newspapers or TV stations as if they were authorities on a subject, because the media has absolutely no interest in accuracy. Dangerous myths are started and perpetuated quite easily this way. It is also of dubious merit to play on one’s disabilities to get a bigger say in such matters.

Sophie Morgan is not an authority on learning to drive. In her own words, she was apparently to blame for the accident which put her in a wheelchair:

It was 2003 and I was 18. I had just received my A-level results and was at a friend’s party. A group of us piled into a Renault Clio and sped off down the road.

Like Lauren [used in the Daily Mail story’s computer simulation], I was inexperienced and overly confident. The passengers around me were drunk. That is my last memory of the night. I lost control and flipped the car into a field.

Note the words “sped”, and the fact that drink is mentioned. So it makes my blood boil when in this latest article she claims:

…the driving licence isn’t fit for purpose…

…We don’t experience driving on the motorway, or driving at night, or with passengers or loud music…

I’m sorry, but this is misleading nonsense. And I find it offensive that, in an indirect way, I am being held partly responsible by this woman for all the juvenile lunatics who end up killing or seriously injuring themselves because of “speeding” off and being around “drunk people” when they’ve just passed their tests. It is the lifestyle and the upbringing which is almost totally to blame – not the driving lessons or the driving test.

In the last two weeks I have taken at least half a dozen of my pupils on to the A46 – a busy dual carriageway and, as I always explain to them, “the nearest thing I can get to taking you on the motorway”. I make damned sure they get up to – and maintain – 70mph when it is safe to do so, and I make damned sure they overtake lorries and slower moving vehicles. I make damned sure they learn how to merge properly when joining, and how to watch for others joining when passing junctions. We get to see spanking new red, green, white, and amber road studs, roundabout junctions, the lot. To get there we journey along a single track road, and various rural roads with lots of bends. I explain clearly the skewed accident statistics associated with young drivers and rural roads. I cover limit points, anticipation, and planning.

Their early attempts to drive along rural roads – with poor positioning due to the narrowness, and jerky steering through not looking far enough ahead and anticipating – provide ideal learning material to explain why new drivers – with these same weaknesses potentially only just below the surface – have accidents when they go out on such roads with a car full of their mates and loud music blaring. Apart from “mind the kerb”, the second most common thing I end up saying is “that’s too fast” – which is particularly relevant when we first start dealing with lots of rural bends. It is closely followed with “watch where you’re going” when they turn late on a bend. By the time they reach test standard, they can comfortably drive any route I take them on. So all this is covered.

Recently, I’ve taken several of my ex-pupils on motorway lessons, and I’ve been impressed with how they’ve handled it (one last week hadn’t driven since she passed more than 6 months ago, but handled it perfectly). Quite honestly, there is little real difference between a 70mph dual carriageway and a motorway (except to the anal retentives out there) when it comes to driving safely on either of them. The biggest problem is other drivers, for whom the National Speed Limit (or any speed limit, in fact) is regarded as either an advisory or a bare minimum speed.

At least 80% of my pupils take some lessons in the dark, and only those who start and pass during the summer months are likely to miss out (I’ve had some who have only ever driven in the dark). Most have at least one lesson with mum or dad (or husband or wife) in the back so I can point out what to look for when doing private practice, and the pupil invariably drives differently in those circumstances, which I use as another demonstration of what can happen when they pass. And I have all kinds of conversations with people on lessons – using any mistakes that result as an example of what it would be like “with your mates in your ear” or “the kids playing up in back”.

So having covered just about all of the possible pitfalls in my lessons, what exactly does Sophie Morgan think is missing?

I ask that, because any one of my pupils – any of those who have driven at night, at speed, in snow, mum or dad in the back seat, and along the narrowest of country roads – is automatically at risk of having an accident as a result of judgement error if they push the limits of their little experience too far.

The driving test does not – and absolutely never has claimed to – put complete, experienced, mature drivers on the roads. It is the first stage of learning to drive; the beginning of a lifelong learning curve, recognising that the new driver is immature (and needs to grow up), inexperienced (and needs to gain experience), and is not the fount of all knowledge (even though he or she is almost certainly going to believe otherwise these days). And that’s where the problem clearly lies: the attitude of the individual.

When I passed my test – or rather, when I first got my own car and went out alone – I was absolutely shitting myself! I only ever had one accident that was my fault (that was more than 10 years later) when I braked on sheet ice and skidded into a kerb, damaging my front suspension. For these reasons, I explain to all my pupils about going out alone for the first time, and about driving in winter (assuming we don’t get a chance to do it for real). I have covered all the bases any instructor could – or should – be expected to cover.

This attitude problem goes beyond being a smart arse once they’ve passed, too. A lot of people want to learn to drive for the lowest amount of money possible. That causes problems in itself, because a cheapo instructor isn’t going to be taking anyone on any long journeys in order to save fuel, and a normal instructor faced with someone who is strapped for cash will be trying to balance “when can I book my test” and “I can only afford 1 hour lessons” (plus lots of cancellations) against the prospect of losing the pupil altogether. Add a good dose of “my dad says he only had three lessons before he passed”, and the driving lessons involved are likely to be intense and biased towards merely passing the test.

Is it any wonder that they have accidents? And yet they still try to blame their lessons.

To Be National, Or Not To Be National?

Bill Plant Logo - Removed by Request
As the article was critical towards them, Bill Plant demanded I remove their logo

I notice from this weeks ASA Rulings that Bill Plant had lodged a complaint against The AA’s claim to be the “only national driving school using fully-qualified instructors”.

When I read it, I remembered that it had occurred to me a few times recently that Bill Plant was now using “only fully-qualified instructors” as a strapline on most of its cars. No problem with that, though their website does come across as a little hypocritical when it explains the differences (i.e. the weaknesses) between ADIs and PDIs. Apparently, it made the switch around 2011/12, but before that time it was happy to send PDIs out to new pupils.

I don’t have a problem with the PDI system as such – everyone has to learn somehow, and the PDI route is one way which has helped a lot of people (I didn’t go that way myself, but a lot of people do). The problems that exist with it arise largely from the lesson payment structure, with many PDIs using it as a way of making money while they are learning and charging whack, but not knowing how to teach properly and – in many cases – not being good enough to become ADIs in the end. The hapless pupil loses out either by being left without an instructor, or by being taught ineffectively or even inappropriately, having been charged full-price for the privilege. Often, both. But I digress.

Bill Plant’s ASA claim was centred on the assertion that they were also a national driving school using fully qualified instructors, so the AA’s claim to be ‘”the only” one was false. Since Bill Plant does not seem to be making such a claim for itself yet, this seems to have been a bit of an advanced preparation exercise on its part.

The adjudication makes interesting reading – certainly with regard some of the numbers. Apparently, the AA has over 1,800 liveried cars, whereas Bill Plant has “over 500” (from its own Facebook page). The AA had used Bill Plant’s website to check for lesson availability in various places and concluded that there was no instructor coverage in at least 15 post code locations. The AA used its own coverage data with 1,800 instructors to argue that Bill Plant (with only “over 500”) could not provide national coverage. Their research suggests that Bill Plant is unable to provide coverage to at least 11% of the population, meaning a “national” claim was not valid.

But this is where it gets very interesting. Upon investigation, the ASA deduced from Bill Plant’s instructor records that at least one instructor was expected to cover an absolutely huge postcode area in order to “provide coverage”, and some of the names provided for certain postcodes didn’t appear “on the full instructor database” (I’m assuming that means the ADI Register) at all.

Bill Plant doesn’t cover Northern Ireland. It argued that this was irrelevant, since the UK ADI qualification system is different to that in NI. The ASA confirmed with DVTNI that the qualification processes are identical and licence transfer was easy.

The claim by Bill Plant was not upheld. The ASA ruling also makes it clear that Bill Plant is not a “national” school – which no doubt damages its short-term plans.

Personally, I wonder why companies do this to themselves – particularly the part where there appears to be some “creativity” regarding instructor names and the areas they cover. If you’re offering lessons in an Audi (not the most economical car to run), offering “5 for £56” and “first lesson free”, and charging several pounds less than the going rate in any given area, you are not going to stay in business long if you have a lot of travel between lessons (i.e. cover large postcode areas). So any such coverage claims for an individual just have to be suspect. Likewise, with the Bill Plant instructor names given to the ASA not appearing on the Register – you can only realistically conclude one thing from that.

Edit: I’ve removed the Bill Plant logo at their request. They disagree with the article. It’s a shame – it was being used in a legitimate reporting situation.

No Entry Means… No Entry!

On the subject of pathetic drivers, I was on a lesson last night and we were driving through the city centre. We’d got to the end of Huntingdon Street Y734 VGE - Black Ford Focuswhen all of a sudden the traffic was at a standstill in the left lane.

It was because some imbecile (Black Ford Focus, reg. no. Y734 VGE) had stopped to turn left into Nile Street – which is clearly marked with No Entry signs because it is a one way road. To make matters worse, someone wasNo Entry Sign coming out of Nile Street and couldn’t emerge because of the traffic overtaking the queue we were in caused by the idiot who’d started it all. So it was a gridlock situation in the left lane.

There’s more than one problem with the people who do these kinds of things. To start with, some of them know what they’re doing is wrong – they’re just arrogant tossers who don’t give a damn. Others are so appallingly bad at driving that they genuinely don’t see road signs, and if they do there’s no guarantee they understand them. And even after all that – in a situation like this one, where it is obvious you can’t go that way when there’s someone blocking the mouth of the road – they’re just too stupid to work it out.

Still, as we finally managed to get past, I pointed out to my pupil the No Entry sign. So at least it provided a further valuable learning topic for the lesson.

Turning Right At Traffic Lights

One of my pet hates is when I am at traffic lights waiting to turn left or go straight ahead, and the twat on the opposite side turning right decides that he FG56 YPA - Silver Vauxhallsomehow has the right of way. It happened today with a Vauxhall Cavalier (I think), reg. no. FG56 YPA.

What annoys me most, I guess, is how they put their heads down and refuse to make eye contact afterwards (assuming they use their mirrors when driving in the first place, of course). They know they’ve made a bad decision, but are too stupid to learn from it.

On the roads these days there’s a lot of monkey-see-monkey-do behaviour. I get it with some of my pupils, when they start following cars in front (or signal when they do), and I have to point out how dangerous it is, especially when they go out on their own. A good example is the speed bumps along Shelton Street in St. Anns in Nottingham. I can remember when one or two people started driving in the middle of the road to try and avoid them – and within a few months you had every idiot driver doing it, even when traffic was coming the other way.

It’s the same with this traffic light problem. It’s far worse in certain areas – the rough places, where everyone has six kids and owns a Staffie. It used to be only the boy racers or young pillocks who did it (like the one I mentioned above), but it’s got to the stage where even the more “normal” – but horrendously even-less-gifted drivers – do it. Their judgement is appalling.

Another Perfect Mazuma Mobile Transaction

Mazuma Mobile LogoHaving upgraded my phone to the HTC One I found myself with a surplus HTC Sensation XE to get rid of. So, it was off to Mazuma Mobile’s website to get the ball rolling.

I made a slight mistake this time – I ticked “cheque” instead of opting to have my bank account credited directly (at least, I think the bank option is still there). But no worries. I ordered the pack Wednesday, received it on Thursday, sent the phone off the same day, and my cheque arrived in the Saturday post.

Once again, a faultless transaction – and for a now-defunct (but working) model, obtained free as an upgrade, £70 cash back can hardly be bad. As I’ve said before, I’d recommend Mazuma to anyone. This is the third time I’ve used them and the service has been 100% – and I mean literally 100% – every time.